Today, during a phone interview, I breastfed and put my 10 m/o down for a nap


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I had an initial phone interview with a company I’m really interested in. Childcare fell through, but I figured it’d be fine because the HR/ initial call usually takes less than 30 mins.

We ended up talking for close to an hour! Baby was getting mad so i did everything I could to keep him happy - was literally walking around the yard, playing indoors, and finally, breastfeeding and putting him down for a nap, all while on the phone. Luckily my interviewer was a mama/grandma and understood the occasional Interruption.

It was stressful, but I was like dang, this was a “strength of motherhood” type moment haha. I figured if anyone could appreciate this, it would be the rest of y’all workin’ moms.

Edited to add - thank all you sweet folks!! I appreciate your support, nice comments, & awards!
@panikos I love this! I had a zoom interview my toddler interrupted to tell me her giraffe and panda were mad at each other. I helped them work it out and returned to the convo and the interviewer offered me the job 2 hours later. Said my conflict resolution skills and multi tasking abilities were what the company needed!
@racholo Haha! As I read this, I was thinking “what a great way to answer one of those silly interview questions. Like “has there ever been a time in your professional career when you had to adapt to an unforeseen even under pressure? How did you handle that?”
@vco Haha I thought you were going to suggest "have you ever had to navigate conflict between colleagues from different continents" or something 😅 I was once asked what chocolate bar I'd be so not the stupidest question 🙄
@derelekt What did you answer on the chocolate question? What are they expecting when asking such a weird question? I’m all kinds of confused right now....
@revonue It was on a grad assessment day so I can only guess they were trying to see how you handle an oddball question?! I thought it only appropriate to give a slightly oddball answer and said Cadbury Wholenut - trustworthy, gets the job done, a bit nutty ;)

I got the job but never sure if that answer was a help or a hindrance!
@racholo My work has been doing lunch time learning webinars about working from home and being resilient and work/life balance. My favourite part was when the speaker was talking about all the transferable skills Mums and Dads have and how it makes us such valuable employees.

I’m so glad it’s being recognised and it sounds like you’re onto a winning employer too. Congrats on the job (even if it wasn’t recent)!
@fbg My company is doing these too. I don’t attend lunchtime meetings unless they’re providing lunch for me and my kids or if they’re my direct boss. So I have learned nothing about work life balance or working from home except my “on the job experience.”
@evnhope My learning counts towards continued professional development so I’m putting down a point for each of the 3 I’ve attended. I just turn them on in the background. I don’t take a lunch break because by the time I drop off and pick up my family I only just make it to my 7.5 hours. It’s pretty flexible so I have no complaints, especially considering the size of the company I work for (it’s a top 30 Australian Stock Exchange company). Each to their own!
@fbg That makes sense. At my work, I’m usually booked or have something I need to be heads down on from about 7/7:30 to 6/6:30, more if I’m meeting with global folks other than here in the US or Europe and have to work around so many time zones. One of my kids is home, still no daycare, and the other is in hybrid school. My lunches are the only time where I can resettle them, make sure they have some uninterrupted attention, make them something to eat, etc. so they are vital for my balance until everything opens back up or work slows down (which it doesn’t look like is going to happen). I’ve taken it as a personal attack that they want my lunches too lol!
@evnhope That’s a huge day! You are a super mum.

I wish I could help you out. I hope you get to return to normal soon. Sending you a heap of love.
I did NOT expect this to blow up (or to receive any 'awards' for it.) I'm overwhelmed. Parents are amazing humans, whether work from home, full time away from home, and lets not forget the full time parents. Thank you for the support and love! I'll spread it!
@panikos Way to go!! I know how tricky this can be. I interviewed for a new job during my maternity leave with my oldest child. Same situation where childcare fell through and I did the initial phone interview with my baby home with me. She slept through the first part but then woke up and needed breastfed. I had to quickly switch gears to get some headphones in and get babe in the boob all while trying to sell my best self lol
@panikos Wow ! You sound amazing. I had a way less stressful situation where I talked for the recruiter while nursing my 2 months old. It was a phone call so the recruiter couldn’t tell and it kept the 2 months old quiet, so it was perfect. For the actual interview I wasn’t sure how a baby would be perceived so I removed all evidence of him (like stroller and high chairs) away from the camera and my kid still gave himself away by screaming bloody murder. His dad was caring for him so I just let them work it out, but it was actually a good way to find out that the interviewers were very understanding about newborns and they offered to reschedule or let me go soothe him. Anyways, I don’t try to hide evidence of my kid anymore and feel like this is a good way to screen employers for family friendliness.
@panikos Well before the pandemic, I started a new job right after maternity leave. My role included working with a distributor and their reps. I had met all of the reps except one, and we kept playing phone tag for over a month. She called one day while I was pumping at work, and I decided I was going to answer. She and I hit it off, talked for over 30 minutes before she finally asked if I had a printer or something going on in the background. I told her I was pumping, and she thought it was the greatest thing ever. We totally bonded over that moment, despite her being happily child free.

Fast forwarded a year and a half and she helped me get a better job! It’s funny how sometimes these moments can actually be helpful long term.

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