Thyroid question help


New member
Hi- first time Pregnant. I am 8 weeks and have Hashimoto's Thyroid disease. I let my endocrine doctor know that I was pregnant did a blood test and tsh levels were a 4.0. About a month later I get more bloodwork and now my tsh is 5.98. I'm really concerned about neurological development for the baby with the high level. Am I being to nervous?!
@mavera2015 There are pretty specific TSH levels for pregnancy and an increased risk of miscarriage with increased levels. I'm not familiar with neurological issues for baby so can't speak to that.

"The American Endocrine Society also quoted 0.1–2.5 mIU/L as the “normal range” for TSH in the first trimester and recommended thyroxine treatment for women with TSH >2.5 mIU/L in the first trimester or >3.0 mIU/L in the second and third.10 The European Thyroid Association had similar recommendations."

I think your concerns are valid. Do you take levothyroxine? If so, has your endo increased your dose? If you don't they should be starting you on a low dose to get your TSH back in the recommended range and following your levels pretty closely.

My endo checks my labs every 4 weeks during my entire pregnancy and adjusts my levothyroxine dosage as needed to keep me in range. I usually need an increased dose in the first trimester.