this or that


New member
We are going out of town(sports, 3-4 days, 3-6 games) a few weeks after baby is born and i think it'll be easier to wear them than use a stroller. It'll be fairly cold(40-50°f maybe?). I have a basic ergo or a wrap I can use. Which one is going to be easier to keep them warm and be able to wear a coat myself? Should I just take both and see what I like better? I also have a ktan but I think it is too small for me, but if it'll be the best choice I can try it...
@ccld Practice at home for a week before you leave and decide what you like best! You should be able to fit an oversize jacket over any of those.

Note that your ergo might need an infant insert if it's the original until LO is 12 lbs. I found it tricky to use the insert but others don't.
The ktan might fit- it's supposed to be tight like a stretchy t-shirt or swim suit. For babies under ~3m it might be the easiest choice.
If the ktan doesn't fit, a stretchy wrap would be your next best bet. It does have a small learning curve but can be used by anyone in case you wanted to share babywearing with a partner.
@richgsr7 I honestly have no idea what ergo it is, I bought it from a consignment sale so that's good to know. My ktan was really tight the last time I tried it on(not preggo, without a kiddo in it) but I lost 20-30 right before I got pregnant(10 of it in the first tri) and took up until almost 3rd tri to get back that 10 so I'll have to find it and try it, it will work for my partner if it doesnt for me, tho idk if he'll babywear lol. And my wrap is what I'm leaning toward and have been meaning to practice tying,before baby comes. It was a gift my cousin used and I think a no name brand or possibly my even homemade, and not as stretchy as I thought it be but I'm leaning toward bringing them all depwnding in how much practice I get with them before we go.
Thank you for your input. I'll plan on trying them all at least a couple times before we go.