The conversion you have when introducing a partner with your kids as more than a friend (age 7-9)


New member
Any advice on how the actual conversation to be with my child to say that my 'friend' is more?

From reading around, my thoughts are talking about it separately with my child to ask what she thinks if my 'friend' is my girlfriend, what she thinks, questions and after a week of processing, having a very light conversation all together as a three to ask if she'd like to ask anything else?

Any advice or stories would be appreciated :)
@geo316 I did exactly what you have above and my girls suggested I date them!
Although I spoke to both at the same time as a normal conversation, I was nervous though so just be brave and open!

They are only delighted to have 2 mom's now!
@geo316 For me we had my boyfriend over for dinner, I cooked something the kids liked, after we had ice cream and I said basically that my boyfriend will be coming over a lot more and staying over sometimes too and they didn’t ask any questions expect if he could watch a movie with them before they went to bed