THANKS I’m cured!!

Me ftm with PPA, to mom “friend”: yeah, I’m experiencing a lot of germaphobia and anxiety over little one getting sick.

“Friend”: WELL, yOu ArE gOiNg tO hAvE tO jUsT gEt OvEr tHaT rEaL qUiCk. Kids are GeRm magnets especially when they start dAyCaRE.

… ohhhh I should “just get over it”. Gosh golly, why didn’t I think of that?? THANK YOU for that solid bit of wisdom.

P.s- finally getting support for the PPA, just needed a venting space for this dumb interaction. Please be kind to other moms, even if you think their worry or concern is stupid…
@anthonyinalabama As a husband, this irks me. My wife suffered pretty badly with ppd with our youngest and people just don't seem to get it. Even the mental health teams over here in Scotland anyway.

This statement makes about the same sense as me saying to someone "oh you have a mortgage your paying but don't want to anymore, just tell your bank you are finished paying and it will be all good".
@anthonyinalabama That very basic quiz that OBs give mamas came back as borderline PPD and my OB told me to “relax.” Thanks, lady, I’ll relax my way to a new OB.

I’m sorry your friend gave you that terrible advice.
@anthonyinalabama I had heard a lot about PPD and warned that because of my depression and anxiety I was at greater risk for PPD. I had never heard of PPA. My second I was crazy anxious. Bumps head couldn’t sleep thinking she has a concussion. Sick I convinced myself she was very ill. No matter how clean the floors I swore she ate something that would pierce her intestines. When she was about a year I looked up being anxious after a baby and learned I had every sign of PPA. I wish I had known. I feel like I didn’t get to enjoy her being a tiny baby because I was to busy being worried.
@anthonyinalabama I had a doctor tell me that PPA wasn’t a thing after I told her that my health anxiety was so bad that, sometimes, I couldn’t even look at my baby out of fear that I’d see that there’s something wrong with her. People don’t understand how serious and debilitating anxiety can be.
@katrina2017 That is awful, I’m so sorry your dr dismissed you like that. People sure don’t understand. It’s like, I’m not just a “worry wart”, I literally cannot leave my house some days. These things are not the same.
@anthonyinalabama Amen amen amen!!! I have a 5 year old, 3 year old, and a 8 week old. During my last trimester of my previous pregnancy i had a totally irrational fear that if my 2 oldest went anywhere with anyone that something bad would happen. People thought i was crazy for not letting them go anywhere for those 8 weeks but i was so scared. Like shit people do y’all not think about hormones/depression/anxiety or do y’all just think I’m a bitch? 🤣
@anthonyinalabama You're totally not alone. Im a FTM as well and a germophobe with anxiety. This pandemic isn't helping me at all. I get judged all the time and called "overprotective" but excuse me for wanting to keep my baby safe! If I can prevent her from getting sick then I will