T-minus 6 days


New member
Since we found out about our mini human I've been coming here reading posts to prepare for the big day. Day is set for 7/17 to be induced and now doctor is saying she doesn't think baby will wait till then. I think I am as prepared as I can be but I humbly ask for any last minute advice for first timers. After reading a post earlier I would have never thought about bringing a jacket and chapstick, so now I'm worried there is more I have overlooked.

Looking forward to your advice and seeing everyone on the otherside. Best of luck to you all.
@glennf And eat a lot! When I was induced, I didn't get to eat for 30hrs. I was sooooo hungry when they finally cleared me. That omelet was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten!
@ministergongar Obviously don't forget chargers and things to do.

See if the hospital has a fridge in the postpartum ward for patients, and if they do, make a run for a bunch of freezer meals. My husband and I were there for almost 3 days (2 days mandatory, we stayed an extra day for jaundice) and his choices for food were $12 for a meh hospital plate, or $15 on delivery via Postmates/Favor per meal. Shit added up quick. Also when she starts pushing, have the camera in your pocket/within quick reach, even if y'all previously agreed to not record the birth. We both said nah throughout the pregnancy but when I was actually pushing, I changed my mind...hubby managed to grab the cam moments before my last push! We're both really glad that I hollered at him in drugged up slurs to record it lol, it's a very icky yet wonderful memory that won't fade with age since we can always replay it :)

Best of luck to you and your wife!! Post a pic when you graduate :)

bonus pic of my now one month old son :D