Surveypalooza results


New member
Hey Clothdiaps!

Forever ago we had an our annual Surveypalooza. Regrettably, my life got crazy between the pandemic, a second kid, and then going back to work. I finally took the time to organize the results . It's not the beautiful Google site I've created in years past, but you can view the summary here.

We had a similar number of responses (271) and our sub has continued to grow (23,7K members!). In the past 6 months, we've averaged 240,000 page views and 25,000 unique page views a month! The majority of people who responded are lurkers or only post once or twice as needed to troubleshoot.

There was some really great feedback this year both about the rules and ideas for posts/events:

There was a suggestion for discussions on how people reduce waste in other aspects of their life, a request for reviews has come up a few times too. If you have an idea for a post, please go for it! Reviews would be a wonderful addition to the sub. I don't think that's something that needs to be organized, but please let me know if we want to come up with a suggested template/ format for those.

  • "Pro tip" is for the tips from experiences users
  • "Recommendations" are requests for brand suggestions
  • "Leaks Everywhere," "How much detergent," and "Fit check," do fit under the "Please send help" umbrella. Essentially they are all requests for troubleshooting help with a specific tag for each issue. If your issue doesn't fit under one of those, then use "Please send help." I used to moderate this heavily, but I haven't in the last year. Has this been an issue? Do we need to review/ reduce/ add tags?
Rule 5. Don't send OP on a wild goose chase. This rule came about because community members would comment on threads seeking help with just a link to a FB group or a help information that was behind a paywall. The full rule is laid out below:

If you have a suggestion or advice please share it in a comment. While there are plenty of fantastic resources available online, redirecting users off site adds an extra step to getting the help they need. Many users don't have Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. Many groups are private so it takes time to be approved. Mentions of other communities must include the advice or solution from the source that is relevant to OPs question.

There was a comment that "maybe someone has seem all the standard advice available, they may need to go elsewhere and look." Often we have people who started on FB or youtube or blogs and are coming here to sort through the jumble of information in their head. I've also seen many comments where people just don't have FB. Linking off site has not been helpful in the past and the community voted to implement this rule. I appreciate those of you who have edited your comments after a reminder of the rule.


I think that's it for now. If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them. Drop them below!

@zzareyan Hey mods! Commenting here in hopes that someone who can help can see this. I am new to cloth diapering and have a bunch of questions that are probably answered in the "Cloth Diapering 101" sidebar, but every single link turns up "404 not found" when I click. Is this just on my end or are the links all broken? Thanks!