Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)


New member
Hello! I’m looking for encouragement and support from our amazing community. I started my relactation journey at 12 weeks postpartum. This community has been one of my motivating factors for trying again, so I hope you can cheer me on!

You can ready my story here:
Please help me succeed by sending love and positive thoughts my way! Also any of your experiences, mantras, and tips.

I’ll be posting every week in /breastfeeding and /breastfeedingsupport. Let’s do this together! Love you all!!



Total daily pump output
Day 1: drops on the flanges
Day 7: 0.2 oz (6 ml)
Day 14: 0.5 oz (15 ml)
Day 21: 0.8 oz (23 ml)

Week 1 progress:
Week 2 progress:
Week 3: Hi, I’m still here. Still pumping away. After last week’s setback, I’ve managed to pump 6-8 times per day, with more power pumps, SNS use, and nursing. So, at least 8 opportunities for stimulation and milk removal each day. My daily output increased by 8 ml, which I’m trying to remind myself is a 50% increase since last week(!) - but yeah, still overall small. I’m committed to powering through another week on this journey.

I had an appointment with my LC last Friday, who encouraged me to redefine what success looks like. We talked about how every body is different, the “switch is flipped” on different timelines for everyone, and how there are some unknowns (hormone levels, etc.). I’m not sure if this was code for “this isn’t working.” Honestly a little disappointed, since the first two LCs I worked with immediately postpartum were all “I support you if this is too hard” when what I needed was support and encouragement during a super difficult time. So, PLEASE send encouragement and your success stories!

Things I learned this week:
- I’ve been warming my flanges in my bottle sterilizer/dryer, which I feel like has increased output. I’ll get more immediate output when pumping while the flanges are still warm.
- My daughter can suck on the SNS tubing even when my nipple isn’t hard, which defeats some of the purpose of nipple stimulation. I’ve been making her “work for it” a bit to make sure she’s getting my milk.
- Hand expression is still tricky for me (I have large floppy breasts). I’ve been trying this technique from Elizabeth Pogge (Part 1:
and Part 2:
- Hands on pumping works! I’ve been using this technique: (includes link to video). I’ve learned where my milk ducts like to be squeezed :)



I’m aiming for 8x daily pump sessions BUT prioritizing time with my baby and sleep, so I skip or postpone a pump session occasionally. My pump schedule is: 3 am, 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 2:30 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm, and 10:30 pm. I pump 10-25 minutes during each session, and incorporate massage, heat, and hands on pumping as much as possible. I try to include a power pump once a day, depending on when I can find 50 minutes to make it happen. I’m using a Spectra S1 pump with Nuliie flange inserts, with the Momcozy hands free pumping bra and coconut oil as lubricant. I clean my breasts after pump sessions with a baby wipe.

I use the Lact-Aid SNS at least twice a day during daytime feedings. I use 3M first aid tape to keep the tube in place.

I’m supplementing with Motherlove Goat’s Rue tincture (6 ml daily = 1 ml 1:1 tincture taken at 3 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm, and 10:30 pm) and Mary Ruth’s Milk Thistle Seed tincture (0.5 ml taken at 6 am). Also taking my regular daily routine of vitamins: New daily prenatal vitamin, iron supplement, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and Sunflower Lecithin.

I’m trying to keep up my hydration and calories. I eat Purely Elizabeth Superfood oatmeal every morning for breakfast - it has oatmeal, flax, chia, and almonds (all supposedly supportive breastfeeding foods).

I’m using Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter to keep the nips happy.

And letting my daughter nurse as much as she’d like. :)
@denman I’m in the same process now. Im about 8wks pp my little will be 2 months on 4/15. I had first breastfed when she was born but ended up giving her formula due to not making enough at the beginning so I thought. The first time I pumped was 4 days later and I got 3oz out on one side in 15 min but the next day I thought I wasn’t producing enough so I had stopped breastfeeding a few days and soon regretted it so now Iv been trying to increase my supply back up. I’m gonna try your pumping schedule. My thing also is I have implants since 2013 and it’s making it harder. I regret getting them now.
But my question is I’m not sure if you could help me with this where did you find your lactation consultant who is helping you? And Iv been hearing about a medication called domperdime how do people get that prescribed to them? I talked to a Dr at my 6 weeks pp appt but he didn’t seem like he knew what I was talking about lol. But thank you for your time and your giving me hope to increase my supply as well :)
@seekshim Hello! I found my lactation consultant online - she has experience with relactation and induced lactation. DM me if you want her info. :)

Alyssa Schnelli is a lactation consultant that hosts a free biweekly online group. I attended last week’s call - it was a supportive environment where you can ask questions and get feedback. This could be a good starting place!

There are others in the comments who have shared their experience with using medication. They are a better resource than I am! I think there are FB groups for people interested in using medications.
@dori777 Thank you! How do you incorporate brewers yeast into your diet? Do you make special foods, or just sprinkle it on what you’re already eating? I see a lot of recipes out there but don’t have the time to bake cookies all day, ha!
@denman I look forward to your updates each week. I have no additional tips, just know you are seen and we know how hard you are working for your baby.
@maintjie lol!!!!! The visual of a hairy milky chest is making me crack up!!!

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with taking medication (I’ve talked to my LC about Reglan and domperidome). It seems like the side effects can be intense? Do you know anything about this?
@denman I also take domperidone. I started with 30mg/day. Saw a huge increase within 2-3 days (went from undersupply to slight oversupply).

The only side effect I noticed was an increase in appetite (I had an HG pregnancy so it was needed).

I’m on it a year later but only taking 1/day. I started tapering after my baby was 12 months. Dropped to 2 pills until 18 months now just 1 pill. I’ll completely wean at 2. I have noticed 0 side effects while tapering.
@jimishasmom 2-3 days?!?! WOW. I’m definitely going to seriously look into taking it!!!

Thank you for sharing your experience. There’s little info out in the world about people’s experiences.
@denman Oh I forgot that increase thirst and appetite are a "side effect." To me it seemed rational that I'd need to eat and drink more to make more. Definitely had that, although I didn't gain weight. It all went to the milk.
@denman To be fair, I don't have experience using Domperidone for relactation, just run of the mill supply increase. Supply increase was swift and near immediate. I had a headache off and on for a week. Then for about two weeks there were two hours in the evening where I'd get emotional. Then I got delayed onset postpartum hair loss! (It's apparently due to hormone levels, and my hormones were too low to trigger postpartum hair loss before.) Felt like I was going bald there for a bit. That stops once the disrupted hair growth cycle finishes falling out.

So it's all been temporary for me and extremely worth it because my LO is allergic to regular formulas and painfully constipated on hypoallergenic formula. Of course, coming off it is in my future. I hear tapering incredibly slowly - slower than medical professionals tell you to - is the trick to avoiding symptoms coming off of it. I'm also very familiar with psychiatric medication and not scared of psychiatric effects coming off it.

But yeah, Domperidone wasn't developed for lactation - lactation is an unpleasant side effect for some who take it for its original use case, including for men! Plus side for me? It cured my chronic mild constipation, I think because I unknowingly had gastric emptying issues from a different condition I have.
@maintjie Wow, thank you for this!!! It’s super helpful to know using domperidone helped you and the side effects - all info out there is so “could, may cause…” And I’m glad it worked for you!!! Definitely something I’m going to consider!!