Supply dropping off. Desperate for advice!


New member
I feel like my supply is dropping off and I'm worried about feeding LO. I EBF give pumped bottles when needed. Lately I've had to give LO a bottle at night because o don't think she's getting enough from nursing and my freezer stash is getting low. I've tried pumping and using haakaa while feeding and only getting 0.5-1oz each time and I used to get 3-5oz per pump and haakaa. I am currently taking lactation supplements and I am just wondering if anyone has tried anything that has helped boost supply and quickly!

LO is 9.5m and drink a lot of water and try to eat and snack throughout the day. I miss meals sometimes, but try not too. Stress has been higher lately which I know doesn't help at all.

TIA desperately need advice.
Ok, reporting back. She basically said when you get later into breastfeeding, small things can add up to a supply hit over time. For me the factors were: (a) My flange size has changed. Over time my size has gone down but I've been using the same flanges. I have 21 mm and she sized me at 16-18 yesterday. (b) Baby is eating solids and taking less milk, and that's ok. If I'm pumping and she is getting a bottle during the day, we need to go back to paced feeding now to see how much she really needs because it's likely less than the bottles I've been leaving for her. (c) I I have been pumping before I go to bed, but not when the baby gets her bedtime bottle of pumped milk. This means I go from like 4-10 without pumping or nursing and then the baby sleeps until like 7 and I nurse her at wake-up so I go another 9 hours. She suggested adding one evening pumping session at baby's bedtime and then keeping the one at my bedtime also, which is 2-3 hours later. So I'm getting smaller flanges and adding a pump this week.
@angelmtz1992 Get professionally sized for flanges, and when you’re pumping, go back into stimulate mode until another letdown starts. Do this for a few days and you can very quickly boost your supply.

Correct flange sizes are KEY!

And I absolutely cannot stress that enough!!!!!
@christdied4me A lactation consultant should be able to do it!

But the more I’m hearing about clients interactions with LCs the more I’m realizing that many LCs have no idea about flange sizing. So if you can’t find a professional, there are other options.

I use digital calipers to measure.

The next best thing would be to get a nipple ruler from Amazon, or download a printable one (I’ll grab a link).

Edit: got the link
@3rdeye Absolutely— LCs don’t necessarily know the difference or promote proper flange size. I was floored when my LC replied to my concern about my nipple being too small for the in-the-box flange (24mm), she’d said “Oh the 24 should be fine, most women are that size!” She never offered to measure me or breathed a word of the repercussions of an incorrect size. (Even after I told her I saw my areola getting pulled in!) I went ahead, measured myself best I could, got the 19mm, and was pumping much more! Plus no more nipple pain/numbing.
@martina1 Ugh, it’s so brutal. “MOST WOMEN ARE THAT SIZE!?” Yeah because most women don’t know that there are other sizes available!

Keep spreading the word! ❤️
@peersj54 Thank you! Yes I’ve been thinking mine was too small. But actually I think perhaps it’s too large. My areola is getting sucked it and it seems it should actually just be the nipple.
@peersj54 Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the Mayyatt 15MM Flange Inserts Breast Pump Accessories and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful.

Users liked:
* Inserts are comfortable and flexible (backed by 4 comments)
* Inserts increase milk production (backed by 2 comments)
* Inserts fit pumps well (backed by 9 comments)

Users disliked:
* Flanges cause discomfort and pain (backed by 4 comments)
* Product does not adhere well and leaks milk (backed by 2 comments)
* Incompatible with some pumps (backed by 2 comments)

This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.
@peersj54 I am hearing this more and more too, I am starting to suspect it’s not something that all LCs learn. It actually seems that more LCs DON’T know about flange sizing than do 😑
@3rdeye In my opinion, nipple measuring should be done in hospital before discharge. Set breastfeeding/pumping moms up for success. And lip and tongue tie screenings for all newborns prior to discharge.
@christdied4me Yep. Almost everyone I’ve worked with has needed a smaller flange size. Sometimes they’ve needed one significantly smaller.

I had one fam who was using 28mm and her nipples were 15mm. She was on so much pain and getting almost no milk, and had a bad bout of mastitis 😭 Within 4 days of her new size she was pumping 5 or 6 oz a session! 💃💃💃
@angelmtz1992 Are you pumping overnight? I would do one pump over night. I also power pump one a day and have been doing it on my night pump. 20 mins on, 10 off, 10 mins on 10 mins off and 10 mins on. Its helped my supply.

I've also been eating oats to help.
I hope this helps.
@angelmtz1992 Highly recommend karrie locker on instagram.

I’ve had success with adding in a power pumping session over several days to increase supply. I’ve been having a lot of trouble since my period returned 8 month postpartum. I’ve read adding a calcium and magnesium supplement may help so I’m trying that now. Moral of the story is more frequent/efficient emptying of the breast to increase supply.

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