Suddenly favoring the other side


New member
Ok so my LO is 9 weeks and just when I thought we had things figured out he suddenly is very fussy and not really eating from the right side.

In the first few weeks I could only get him to latch well on the right. I barely had to do anything he just popped on there. The left was another story. I had painful latching then a clog and a bleb so painful I had to pump left and feed from right for a week.

After the bleb sorted I was using the football hold for the left side and the cradle for the right because it was still and easy latch there.

Now suddenly this week he has stopped wanting to stay latched on the right. I’ve tried cradle and football and nothing really works. He’ll either unlatch, not open wide, or fuss his head back and forth which is really painful on the nipple! He’s latching in the left just fine.

He has plenty of wet and dirty diapers so I’m really not worried about supply. When I pump I get 3oz from left and 1 from the right, but I’ve always only gotten 1 from the right. It has a much slower letdown.

I’m wondering any advice to help him not favor the left side? I’m worried if I can’t get him to latch right the supply will drop. Should I be pumping n the right to keep it up? Or pumping both sides?

He’s EBF and mostly from breast with 1 bottle every few days to keep him used to it. He’ll be mostly bottle fed in a few weeks when I start working again so I’ll be pumping a lot more then.
@truthseeker100 Keep offering. Mine did the same thing around the same time and I just kept offering. We're 14 weeks now and she still favors my left breast but I can usually get her to take my right even just a little bit. When she was refusing it I would use the haakaa on that side to help keep up the supply.
@truthseeker100 I would try offering the right first. He'd be more inclined to accept it when he's hungry. Also, maybe he gets full from your left boob already that's why he doesnt want to feed off the right anymore.
@truthseeker100 I would try reclined position, where you're laying on your back and he's nursing. It may be that your right breast has a forceful letdown and fills up with milk too fast for him. It could also be gas, and maybe he's uncomfortable being held in cradle position for the right side.