Success Story


New member
Due to a cascading series of events, I ended up with school pictures for 4 y.o. scheduled at 8:15am, my annual check-up with OBGYN at 9am, a dentist appointment at 9:45am to remove the stitches from a surprise dental procedure last week, and Spanish class for 4 y.o. at 10:45am. I had both my 4 year old and 5 month old in tow for all of it (4 only goes to Pre-k for three days/week)...and we made everything on time and had no meltdowns. I was properly prepared with activities for 4 and baby was super chill and interested to just be along for the ride. This was made possible by the OBGYN and dentist being on the same medical campus to be fair. But we slayed that gauntlet of tasks so hard I had time to stop for coffee before Spanish class. I have anxiety and wondered the whole time I was pregnant how I would manage having two, like logistically what do you DO? And today I found the answer to be WE CRUSH IT. Posting this so I can reminisce next time I'm trying to get somewhere with them and it devolves into anarchy LOL. Everything is hard all the time but sometimes we absolutely crush it!!
@evilbeans An erasable step-by-step drawing book! I had been saving it for just such an occasion, so it had the wow factor. She definitely did get interested when the stirrups came out on the exam table, haha! But fortunately it was quick and the baby started giving her smiles and laughs to distract her at the perfect moment! Come to think of it I should buy a lottery ticket today!!