Starting to refuse 2nd nap on 2/3/4


New member
7 month old and sleep trained about 6 weeks ago. Shortly after sleep training he dropped from 3 naps to 2. The last several weeks, 2/3/4 (or often more like 2/3/3.5) was working well for us. He’d generally give 3 hours total nap time and 12-13 hours overnight.

For the last 5 days or so he’s getting a 2h first nap (and clearly wanting it after 2h first WW). But then refuses the 2nd nap entirely or maybe steals 90 seconds of sleep in the stroller or similar. So his last WW is pushing 6-7 hours. He seems OK honestly, a bit fussy around 4pm but continues to refuse nap when offered and eventually gets his second wind to a 7pm bedtime. Then sleeps through the night until 7-8am. So total sleep is 14-15h in 24h.

It seems nutso to be on 1 nap at 7 months with that 6+ hour wake window. Anyone else experience similar? Perhaps this is just a small regression? I know we could cap the first nap at 1 h or 1.5h but I’m nervous to do so in case he still refuses 2nd nap then he’s on even less sleep.
@darlingdaughter If it’s only been for 5 days it might just be a software upgrade in his brain so don’t do anything yet! However, his total sleep is on the high end. It is definitely too early for one nap and you have heaps of room to move with the 2 nap schedule! I would try 2.5/3.5/4. Or maybe he’s the kinda guy that needs a longer middle WW instead