Spotting and s c a r e d


New member
I've been on birth control for about a month and a half. I just started spotting. I had unprotected sex with my BF about 2 days BEFORE my period ENDED. Recently I have started spotting and cramping like a bonus period. Dark red/brown blood. All of my symptoms align with breakthrough bleeding (which makes sense considering I'm new to borth control) but also implantation bleeding (which makes sense because he finished inside of me. I know it was really stupid to let him I dont need a lecture right now I need answers/an ease of nerves until its soon enough for me to take a pregnancy test. I've been having debilitating pregnancy anxiety every waking moment and in my dreams. Please help.
Period start date: 5/19/2020
Period end date: 5/24/2020
Date the deed was done: 5/23/2020
@donksgirl I’m going through the same! Been on birth control for years tho, fucked it up and then had an accident two weeks ago 5/26 and now won’t stop spotting ughhh
@giggabyte I've taken it on time every day! The only outlier was when I was off by two hours one day, but still within the three hour window. I've been making myself SICK with worry... :/
@donksgirl Honestly I think it might be your body getting used to the birth control. But I would take a test just to be safe, I’ve also been making myself sick with worry. But I’m currently out of town for a couple weeks and waiting til I get back so I can take a test when my bf is there with me ugh
@donksgirl It's super uncommon to ovulate during your period and even then with the bleeding it creates a horrible environment for sperm. In my opinion I would say you are completely in the clear and have nothing to worry about.
@donksgirl With you flowing it wouldn't stay in. Even if it somehow did semen needs just the right environment to stay alive and your period creates a toxic wasteland for them.
@donksgirl It's been over 9days so if you go take a pregnancy test if you somehow are it will show up now. Walmart has them for 88¢ if you are in the US and thats the ones I used when I was trying and they work better than the expensive ones. Just don't get a blue dye test. Anything with pink dye is good!
@donksgirl That would be if you ovulated on time (halfway through your cycle). Tests start working at 8/9 days past ovulation. If you ovulated during your period it would be 9 days past that date. Lol getting pregnant is a pretty exact science that requires the perfect set of circumstances for it to happen.