Songs you plan to sing to baby


New member
Confession: I almost started crying yesterday when Rainy Girl by Andrew McMahon came on in the car. It's a song he wrote to his not-yet-born daughter about how excited he is to meet her, and I just had this crystal clear vision of myself, pregnant, singing it to my belly. I can't get it out of my head. Help me feel less ridiculous - is there a certain song you picture yourself singing to your future baby, before or after they're born? A lullaby? Something with personal meaning?
@elisha_buffet This is kind of a weird one, but my grandma taught me an old wordless Swedish lullaby that her mom used to sing to her, and I recorded her singing it so I can carry it on with my someday-babies.

Not a specific song, but I'm planning to learn the ukulele this summer (one of my pre-TTC keep-myself-busy goals), and I've definitely pictured myself playing for baby.
@elisha_buffet Doris Days' "Que sera sera (whatever will be will be). It's a beautiful song that my grandmother would sing to me before bed and I have such wonderful memories of if. It's also stuck with me as good words to follow in life.
@elisha_buffet I'll definitely sing Blackbird by the Beatles. It's such a beautiful, simple song. My dad really instilled a love of 60's & 70's music in me, and that's something I want to pass on to my future babes.
@elisha_buffet You Are My Sunshine was my mom's song for my brother and I when we were babies and I plan on singing it to my baby too :)

Also, all the Disney songs haha.
@dougt Same on You Are My Sunshine! But also "Summertime," it's a little creepy but I've always loved it and I already serenade my dogs with it every summer.

...What you don't sing to your dogs?!
@elisha_buffet I totally picture myself singing to baby... the reality is I couldn't carry a tune in a purse. I actually have been considering trying to learn during our WTT and TTC just so I can sing to my belly and kid.
@saravr My non-musical mom tells this story of how she used to sing to us until my sister, at age 4, told her "Mama, you don't have to do that anymore." I just think this was my mom's excuse to stop singing--I know that I always loved when she would sing to us!
@elisha_buffet Sea of Love by Cat Power. I don't even know why but lyrics seem to fit "I want to tell you how much i love you". Plus, theres not a lot of words so i can remember it :) I love singing even if i don't love my voice and that baby is going to be sung to so much!
@elisha_buffet Gartan Mother's lullaby - I sung it in a choir class in junior high and fell in love with it. Pending any good lyrics to Canon in D I think it will be the first song I'll sing to our future baby. :p