Someone help baby is measuring small at 29weeks!


New member
My baby is measuring at 29 weeks and a few days I am very worried as I have been told I’m going to have to come for more regular scans I am a very small person I’m only 4”10 so the hospital said this could be the reason why but they can’t confirm this yet as it could be many other reasons why she’s are mostly saying her legs are looking small does anyone else’s growth scan report look like this or had something similar I’m really worried

My measurements are

HC 263.0 mm
AC 240.7 mm
FL 49.4 mm
HC/AC 1.09
Estimated fetal weight Hadlock (HC, AC, FL)
1,134 g
2 Ibs 8 oz
Centile 3.9
@leroyberry With my last baby, I was measuring small at 26 weeks. Had to go in every 2 weeks for an ultrasound to make sure baby was still growing. She started off in the 10th percentile for her legs and arms, throughout the 10 weeks they scanned me for, she dropped into less then the 2nd percentile with her legs and 5th percentile for her arms. I was induced at 39 weeks, she came out 6lbs 1 ounce and perfectly proportionate. Nothing wrong. She is now a year and a half and you wouldn't be able to tell she was a smaller baby.
They did however tell me that covid may have had something to do with her not growing as fast. Something about it causing blood clots in the placenta. I ended up having to take one baby aspirin every day after having covid to help with the clotting.

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