So today I tried to explain to my husband how I feel..


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Backstory: We just started TTC. I had my IUD out in August and the Dr. warned me that my periods might revert to their previous horribleness (think of the Shining...yah it was like that). So I keep getting BFN (period was supposed to start Saturday) and he tells me to take it easy because we just started trying.

To me, I feel extremely crazed inside, everything is unusual and I feel like this (period symptoms or pregnancy symptoms). And also like this (I have no idea what I'm doing).

It then occured to me that his body behaves the same, predictable way, every day of the year. So here is my attempt to explain to him what being in my body feels like, as I can feel the changes in my cycle due to IUD removal...but not 100% sure what is going on myself.

It's just tripping me up because my body is doing crazy different things.

See your body does the same thing all the time. It's predictable, so if something know something is wrong.

Imagine if your body did different stuff depending on what day in a 25 day cycle you were at (my cycle has always been short)

Now, your body is now predictable at each point in the cycle, so when X, Y and Z happen you know that it's early in your cycle

and when P, Q, R, S happen you know it's late in your cycle. The same things happen every time.

Well! Triangle, helicopter and bee are now happening

plus X, R and S

and X and S are 40 times stronger

Y is MIA

and R is kinda somewhere between 2 and T

Confused? Yah me too. Except instead of trying to read it, I'm FEELING it. I've always been really in tune with my body, and I feel like I'm trying to understand someone speaking in a language I've never heard of before who doesn't have expected cultural norms (nod for yes, shake head for no, smile means happy).

I'm okay if I'm not pregnant, I know it takes time, but WTF body. Y U NO ACT NORMAL!?
@boss121 What the what?! Yeah - I have no idea what I am doing either. But science, I know I'm doing some sort of science project every single morning.
@kat1941 Yes, my husband says I play chemistry set every morning and asks me what the results of my experiments are. Thus far, my pee is darker if I drink less water. I shall publish my results and dub them henceforth "How water intake affects urine opacity".
@boss121 I like this. Darker pee means more concentrated pee for testing! When I was trying to catch ovulation, I wouldn't drink water from lunchtime to when I got home from work. I was sacrificing for a positive OPK. We all do strange things.
@kat1941 Hahaha! It does...but staying hydrated is important. It's better to just not drink a large glass of water before you go to bed. Dehydrating yourself isn't going to make your ovum more likely to make an appearance =P

Oh the things our brains tell us make sense!
@jcreigns Yah it's like body WHY YOU MAKE A DO?!?!? My husband understood after I showed him this. He said he was sorry he wasn't being understanding and that he had guilt regarding his consistent body. I told him to stop being silly.
@njcons I just feel like everything that is different gets my attention after two seconds. It's hard to ignore things that are going on within you!