Small hard lump (possible small hematoma) after self administered Depo SubQ?


New member
Hello! Maybe some nurses or SubQ users can help me out.

I just administered my first Depo SubQ, I was previously using Depo IM administered at a clinic, but I recently moved, was briefly uninsured and after 2 very expensive and disappointing visits to GYNs ($200-$300 with insurance just for a consult and depo IM admin and rude doctors) I decided to order some SubQ from Twenty-eight health online and do it myself.

I followed directions accordingly, removed all the air, inserted at a 45deg angle, and made sure the entire needle was under the skin, administered slowly about 6 seconds total. I'm a little leaner and used the top of my thigh, and maybe it wasn't a fatty enough area because now I have a small hard lump about 1 1/2cm from the injection site.

Is this normal? Will it effect the efficacy of my medication? Did I mess up and just inject it into my epidermis instead of subcutaneously? Is this a hematoma?

I'm going to message the doctors of the online provider tomorrow, but it can take 24hrs+ for a response and wondering if someone can help me get answers before then! There were some individuals on the ftm subreddit who use testosterone ask the same question, and the consensus seems to be thats it not a huge deal. I'm mostly worried about the efficacy.

(Please no depo hate, I have tried 3 other forms of BC and comfortable that this is the one for me!)

Thank you
@confusedsoul369 Hey! I used to get Depo SubQ, wish I still could, but my bones are all fucked up now sadly. If it’s any comfort, I always had a hard lump under my skin where my injection went in (I had it administered in a clinic setting though cause the idea of having to do it myself was awful, just cause I hate needles; laying on my side and closing my eyes while a nurse did it for me was really good for me) and that bump will usually go down after about a week. In the mean time just try not to bump it on anything cause it’ll be sensitive, I used to hit mine with my backpack in college all the time cause I had it put into my lower back/just above my hip and that sucked but it goes down in a few days! I hope this helps.
@confusedsoul369 I think that the lump comes from how you have to slowly administer it, the acetate suspension disperses under your skin over the course of a few days. I wouldn’t be alarmed if you got a teeeeny bruise at the injection site that should clear up relatively soon as well, I hope that info brings you some comfort! Let me know if you have any other questions, I was on Depo SubQ for six years and I LOVED it.