SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE


New member
Seriously. I know this has been posted a few times but I need to vent it myself.

I'm convinced that anyone who says this has either never been pregnant or have completely forgotten what the last 2 weeks or so are like.

I will absolutely lose it if I hear anyone else tell me that I will have even less sleep once the baby arrives. Is it possible to sleep less that not at all?

Currently, I'm constantly sweating, it's so hot here I feel like I'm going to burst into flames and my mattress seems t make me even more hot that I cannot get comfortable.

I can't lie flat because as soon as a do, the reflux/heartburn makes me almost vomit so I have to try to sleep sitting upright.

I constantly have a foot, knee, elbow or head pressing into some other organ of mine.

I have to pee every 15 minutes.

My back aches, it's not really painful like I know some of poor preggos are having to deal with but it's enough to keep me awake.

I may live to regret saying this, but I genuinely think I will have much more sleep when the baby is born and most of these problems are removed.

I try not to complain, I know this is all part of being pregnant and I wouldn't change that for anything but people need STFU with their useless and uninformed advice. 8 days until my due date... Thank you to this community for providing a safe space to rave about this stuff, I can't do it anywhere else!

Solidarity to all of you superwomen too, we will provail!
@pinkflower I'm now 3 weeks postpartum and I have to warn you, the sleep deprivation is real. Just because baby sleeps for 2-3 hours at a time doesn't mean you will... HOWEVER... the fact that I can get in and out of bed with ease and lay in whatever position I want is glorious! Reading through your post has reminded me to be more appreciative of the fact that I'm able to get comfortable even though I'm tired.

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