Sleep issues b/c of our small house


New member
I've recently switched my 8mo to a 2 nap schedule it's about 2.5/3/3.5. She goes down awake & independently for her 1st nap and always sleeps 1.5hrs. This nap is in her older sisters room where it's very dark & sound machine of course. There is always zero crying- she loves sleeping in there. Now the issue is for her 2nd nap I don't have anywhere else to have her nap except the living room in a packnplay. When she was on 3 naps she would sleep there, but fussed a bit and never connected sleep cycles, I always had to hold her for the 2nd half of that nap. Now that we are on 2 naps she is completely refusing to fall asleep in there and I have to hold her for the whole nap. I hold her and she falls asleep almost instantly. Does anyone have any ideas for me? I so wish I had a separate bedroom for her.
@secundus Is the issue because older sister needs the room during her 2nd nap time?

Anywhere else you can put her? Your own bedroom? A closet? A bathroom?

Get a slumberpod for the living room packnplay?

Can the older sister play or do quiet time in a different room and give the little one the room for nap?
@knowledgeisnotignorant Yes, older sis just turned 2 and ill have her napping as long as possible lol I tried putting them in there together and it didn't go well.

Other bedroom husband wfh in. I could maybe try and squeeze the packnplay in the bathroom...

Have an Amazon knockoff slumber pod but it's not very dark and she gets hot in there 😫

Thanks for all of the suggestions. Might try the bathroom lol