Skyla IUD causing increased breast size?


New member
Hey yall— I was starting to get a little anxious over some side effects I’ve been having and can’t for the life of me get in contact with my doctor so obviously the next stop was Reddit. I have had the SKYLA iud collectively >4 years (3 years the first go around and now the new one I got in January). The first time I had it I had 0 symptoms or side effects besides my period being a little out of wack. This time though, I’ve noticed my boobs have gotten huge. I used to be a B-ish cup? (though it was hard to tell; my boobs are asymmetrical and while target bras would have me believe I was a B cup, Victoria secret wants me to believe I’m a D). Regardless, now I’m definitely bigger and they’re tender ALL THE TIME which makes life a little difficult. Has anyone had a similar problem or should I start looking into getting an ultrasound done on my chest? (That’s half a joke but seriously I’m a nervous belly and any advice is much appreciated)
@shadowgun1105 I noticed the same thing happened to me while on the Skyla IUD, breast tenderness happened the last 2 weeks of my cycle (I tracked it even though I was on bc since I’m also very anxious) but also noticed it went hand in hand with some weight gain. It’s been a little over a month since I’ve gotten my iud out now, and I’ve noticed a considerable reduction in size lol, but I’ve also lost weight. Don’t think it’s anything you should be worried about, seems pretty on point for introducing new hormones onto your body but if you feel like you need more peace of mind call your Dr. :)