Siblings Waking up at Night


New member
My husband and I have four kids (5F, 4M, 2M, and 6mo.F). The oldest has her own room, the boys share a room, and the baby currently sleeps in our room. Over the last month about 4-5 nights a week, our four year old has started crying in the middle of the night because he wants to sleep with us. That would be fine, but every time he wakes up his 2-year old brother and then he’s generally awake from 3-6am. Each time we try to put him down, he starts screaming. Last night our 4M woke up all of his siblings instead of just the one. The baby is only sleeping through the night maybe once a week. Our oldest also wakes up to sleep in our bed about once a week. Needless to say, we’re pretty tired. Is there any advice you have to keep the older kids asleep at night? We only have the 3 bedrooms and our plan is to put the baby in with our oldest in a few more months. Thanks!
@caseyjo Any screen time 3hrs before bed? Some children are super sensitive to this and it can severely effect night time sleep.. if thats the case I would probably try zero screen time 3hrs before bed and see if it helps!
@caseyjo White noise machines in all the rooms, make sure their tummies are full at bedtime, some sort of positive reinforcement for those who stay in their own beds all night (positive feedback works well our middle two—“great JOB staying in your own bed all night, thank you!”)
@caseyjo Also a parent of 4: 12, 9, 7, 5.

Our pediatrician said when our oldest had severe and long lasting sleep issues that most children "learn to sleep" by age 7.

I've found this to be largely true, except for our oldest who has ADHD and has to take medication to sleep.
@caseyjo Can you put the 2 yo in with the oldest for awhile? Let the one who wakes up be on his own? Or get him a snack before bed and when he wakes up - I feel like several of ours have had growth spurts that made them wake hungry.
@jeanxon I was going to recommend putting your 5 and 2 year olds together with a white noise machine. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t the same sex until they are significantly older. My boy/girl 7yo twins still happily share a room when there’s an empty one (guest room) waiting for one of them when they’re ready to separate.