Shivers and chills, not mastitis


New member
Hi. Owing to a bad nighttime side feeding latch, I developed a blocked duct. I’ve been feeding through the pain but now that nipple is cracked and bleeding. It’s super painful. I don’t think I have mastitis, no swelling or redness on the breast, but I feel very shivery with chills. I’ve been feeding on this side and it is still very painful no matter how good the latch. Baby is almost 6 months and we’re in the U.K. Any advice? TIA
@marilines This is very likely mastitis. It shows up in different ways for different people. The chills and shivers plus the blocked duct mean it’s almost certainly mastitis. The new protocol for mastitis is ice and ibuprofen - not heat, massage and excess pumping like before. If you already have the chills I’d call your doctor for an antibiotics prescription asap. Don’t mess around. Mastitis sucks. But the drugs work.
@marilines Oh no, I’m so sorry! Anytime you’ve got fever and chills, that’s a red flag that there’s some kind of infection brewing (and I say this as a doctor). If you don’t have any other symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, cough, stomach issues) and the ONLY thing going on is a clogged duct or painful swollen breast— that’s probably a sign something is going on.

Definitely call a doctor. In the meantime, stay hydrated, you can also trade off tylenol (paracetemol/acetaminophen depending on where you live) and ibuprofen. Nurse normally if you’re able to. Avoid over-massaging or putting heat compresses on it, try to stick to cool compresses and as little manipulation as possible. Think about it like you would a sprained ankle, you want to MINIMIZE manipulation and keep things from getting more inflamed.

I’m so sorry- that’s so painful. But if you’ve got fever and chills there’s more than a clogged duct, definitely time to get some help!
@vigilant4christ379 Thank you very much for this info, really appreciated! I saw my GP this morning and he’s given me a course of abx, but said it’s up to me if I take them as I don’t have a temp, chills/shivering have abated and I’m working out the blockage with feeding. Just weighing up the pros and cons of taking them. Ugh, the things we go through!
@vigilant4christ379 Is it possible to get chills and a fever with a clogged duct? I get one clog a month and it's accompanied with a fever and chills every time. I've always been able to resolve the clog without seeing a doctor {fortunately).
@tkchapin Usually a REAL fever (defined medically as anything over 100.2) is indicative of some kind of infection going on- some people can feel chills and maybe even feel feverish (but don’t quite hit the threshold) when they get some kind of inflammation. Some people are just more sensitive to that kind of thing and they’re body will respond to something like inflammation with a kind of “sick” feeling even if they’re not.

Its great news if you don’t still have fever/chills. It is totally up to you, but if you think it will resolve without the antibiotics, you might just hang onto them and see how it goes. If at any point you start feeling worse, the fever/chills come back, you feel nauseous, your breast gets bright red and hot to the touch, anything that seems like it is changing for the worst, go ahead and take it (or go ahead and take it now, whatever makes you comfortable).

Hopefully its just a clogged duct (I say “just” but having had one myself I know it can be SO so painful and uncomfortable). Resisting the urge to do anything to it is the hardest bit. Try to nurse normally if you can, use a cold compress if needed, and just leave it alone as much as you can (and taking ibuprofen is key!!). I was SO scared it was going to get worse if I didn’t do something to it, but I tried really hard to adhere to the new advice and by the 2nd day it was resolving brilliantly.

Trust your own instincts- if you feel like its getting worse instead of better despite the ibuprofen, cold packs, etc - or you feel worse, you have the antibiotics!

Hope you feel better soon! That’s the worst!
@vigilant4christ379 Sorry, didn’t see your comment! Thanks so much for all the info and advice! I actually started fevering again and felt absolutely awful so started the abx. Still on them until next week but feeling miles better. Swelling and pain has gone, nipple still not 100% but think the infection is taken care of now. Been a rough ride! I am feeling very lucky that I didn’t encounter these problems when baba was first born, and take my hat off to anyone contending with bleeding and cracked nipples, clogs/blockages, mastitis any of the nasty stuff that can happen, with a newborn!
@marilines It's mastitis, I just had the same thing. My midwife told me to apply a warm compress, then breastfeed and then apply a cold one. She also gave me something for the pain.
@mrix Thank you for your advice. I’ll keep up with a cold compress and paracetamol. At least the nipple has healed somewhat so hopefully can feed properly that side!
@xwarli Much better thank you! I didn’t take the abx as the fever and chills luckily didn’t come back. The redness and swelling went down little by little as I continued to feed on the bad side, but it’s still painful on my nipple. Keeping up with the lansinoh nipple cream and hoping for the best!