Sex and pregnancy?


New member
So wife and I had sex yesterday. She is 9 weeks along. This evening she had pinkish to light red discharge. She has been very upset. I’m anxious. Planning on calling the OB in the morning. Any experience or information relevant to this subject?

Edit1: we have an appt with the OB later today. The bleeding stopped in the night and now it’s just brown. We feel a lot better but still are getting checked for our sanity

Update B: so everything is good. Baby is just fine. Wife is just fine. All anxiety is assuaged and my ego slightly boosted. No more deep penetrative sex for the duration and cool it down when the mood does hit. Thanks for the comments everyone.
@allyok Hi, not a dad, just a lurker but I wanted to reassure you that spotting after sex is super common in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It's typically caused by irritation to the cervix but poses no threat to baby. As long as it doesn't become heavy like a period or accompanied by cramping it should be just fine.
@garfent Has anyone experienced a mucus coming out after sex? My wife had a mucus come out and she is worried it is her mucus plug to protect the baby… seeing our OB on Friday.
@formychristine Discharge increases in pregnancy! She'll be seeing a lot more discharge than normal. Can you give an idea approximately how much? Unless it was a LOT it's probably just fine
@allyok Happened to us too, probably around the same mark of 9-10 weeks. For us, it was one and done. I called the doctor first thing in the am, after we described how much it was, we were told to monitor it. But it only happened the once.

I'm not a doctor but if it's an alarming amount or if you both think it wise, go to the hospital. If nothing else, call the doctor first thing in the am. Not that I know for sure, but we were told this isn't terribly uncommon at that point in the pregnancy.

Edit: and obviously is there's any more red in further discharges or it's getting worse, then yes go to the hospital.
@timmyt30 Yea we already said no more. Going to get to the doc and make sure there’s still a heartbeat. This is our second pregnancy and furthest along it’s got.
@allyok Obviously ask the doctor about it to be sure but this is incredibly common. Also common for her to be more soar or sensitive after or see an increase in UTIs.

Personally we called a handful of time about it and I swear if I had to hear an OB said “you might see blood on your penis” one more time I was going to lose it…
@allyok Unless the doctor says anything to the contrary, sex is ok during pregnancy. Some women want it, some don’t. So mileages do vary. A bit of body shaking and uterine contraction at this stage may cause a light pink/red discharge, and this is normal. Bleeding is not.

If it’ll calm your minds, call the doctor in the morning and hear it directly from them. But it’s fine.

Keep in mind, towards the end of pregnancy (last couple of months), breast stimulation and orgasm may trigger Braxton-Hicks contractions so it may be a good idea to ease up a bit, if she’s bothered by them. Some people will do it to actually trigger labor when the baby is past the due date.
@allyok Hi hi, expecting dad who went through the same thing. It's most likely irritation of the cervix that causes light bleeding. It should go away within a day. As others have said, check in with your OBGYN to be safe. Best of luck!
@allyok Wife had spotting in her first trimester. Also around some sexy time. We held off until second trimester and no issues.

Early spotting is not usual. It definitely freaks you out though.