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My twins started preK this year in the same class . I wasn’t given a choice or anything but admittedly I did want them together just because i figured it’d be easier for them to adjust first year together so I went with it. The teacher expressed early on she sees benefits in separating them next year and so do I. They fight 5 times as much while at home since starting school in the same class and I’m starting to witness small behaviors of one tearing the other down to make herself look “cool”? And the other just becoming withdrawn and not really wanting to attempt making friends . It’s pre k and feels ridiculous but the entire situation is breaking my heart . I feel like I’ve had dozens of talks about how we’re family and support and lift each other up . Does anyone have any advice on how to go about this? Aside from definitely separating next year?
@kc4 They spend most of their time at home so you can still emphasise the importance of family then

But splitting them up might help the shy twin bloom when they are away from their twin and also might help the twin who’s being mean he nicer at home

Twins are 2 separate people and need to be able to develop as such they’ve spent every day and hour around each other since birth up until now, if the teacher thinks it will help I’d say go for it
@photovid92 Just search this page for daycares splitting up twins success stories.

We always thought Twin A was more outgoing over twin B. Then sickness and holidays of teachers meant they had to be split up by daycare for a week.

By Wednesday Twin B was just as outgoing if not more so. It just so happened he had a loud sister who over shadowed him. He is more involved in classroom activities now too. Two to three days a week they are split up.

You don't know till you know. Best thing that ever happened to them.
@photovid92 I just think it depends on each specific set of twins. I don't believe one way is better or worse inherently. My twins have so far stayed together and love it but also are super independent children both as twins but also in general as individuals
@kc4 Here’s some helpful information!

Classroom Placement and Twins’ Social Behaviors in Elementary School: Providing Empirical Evidence to Inform Educational Policy

“Classroom sharing during elementary school was associated with small improvement of some twins’ social behaviors, especially when transitioning into early adolescence. However, despite the positive behavioral outcomes associated with classroom sharing of twins, this study revealed that classroom placement did not predict most twins’ behaviors during the elementary school years.”
@metts Thank you for this. I will say they have an excellent pre k teacher who has done like a slight separation such as sitting at different tables, not pairing them up which I think will ease the transition next year when I separate them but I wonder if the intentional minimal separation might be what’s causing a little bit of the competitiveness and fighting at home just because they see they see they aren’t being treated the “same”.