
@vdot Don’t make big plans to do anything in a specific time frame - you’re living in babe’s world now. But it’s temporary. Take good care of yourself. Rest, HYDRATE, self care, eat well. Feed on demand. I do think it was helpful to help them understand parts of the day (signaling it’s time for bed by doing bath, massage, feeding, pjs, sleepsack etc.) even if that’s the only thing you start doing to start assimilating to a sleep rhythm. It’s transitioned for us nicely but we do diaper, feeding, books first thing in the am, and then routine above for night. That’s how a routine started but it wasn’t perfect. Be easy on yourself because everyday won’t go as planned. Babe is learning of the world for the first time so most important is following their cues to fulfill their needs. No bath tonight bc we are cluster feeding, no prob. Extra snuggles and no books because we are teething, you got it. Trust your instinct and as others have said, soak it up. The time is fleeting and so very special.
@vdot You can't put a newborn on a schedule, they run you lol. A newborn is going to want to feed on demand and their bedtime is usually around 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. The best thing you can do is just feed them as much as you can, snuggle them and stare at them lol. It goes by so quick 😞
@vdot There is no schedule with a newborn. They feed on demand and they nap frequently. They will have their nights and days mixed up, so try to keep the room dark at night. There will also be clusterfeeding, so be prepared for breastfeeding what seems like around the clock for days on end. It takes them a bit to get used to life on the outside, but be kind to yourself. It's a bumpy road in the first couple months and then you get into a rhythm.
Yes! He’s doing great with weight gain. We’ve only one appointment but it was a positive one and the dr said just don’t go longer then 4 hours in between. Same thing about diapers.

My biggest struggle is thinking I’ve nursed to sleep(which I don’t mind) and him fussing a few minutes later like he wants more.

I’ll read the links! Thank you
@vdot That’s cluster feeding, I was so unprepared for just how long cluster feeding lasts too! He would go 6 hours straight with 5 only minutes beaks from about 7pm-1am for a few weeks, and fed so much during the day too. He would fuss to eat about being out down shortly too. It’s hard, but just be assured that it’s normal and will pass eventually! Set a cozy spot up with snacks, drinks, a good show or book, etc and just let baby be, you won’t overfeed and it’s also instinct to help build your supply. You are doing great
@vdot You're doing great.

Newborns are brand new (obviously!) and don't have a good understanding of how this life outside the womb works.

Newborns don't really have a 'bed time' but nap around the clock. That said, they do start to have longer stretches at night as they mature their sleep system, and it's quite normal to have a fairly late bed time (11pm was us for a while!)

Feeding to sleep is also really good at this age: it's normal and natural and you don't have to worry about creating a bad habit.

Cluster feeding can hit in the evenings too- this is also normal and natural!

So in terms of schedule, there isn't really one. The advice we were told was once baby had regained their birth weight (absent any other problems) we were fine to let her sleep. (before that I think it's every 3-4 hours but please double check, my memory is hazy.) As long as baby is making enough wet/dirty nappies you're pretty golden.

Finally, here's a comment I made about newborns, (with a focus on sleep) - I hope it's helpful. Also Precious Little Sleep's guide to Newborn sleep.