Schedule Help!!


New member
Post Intent: Getting help figuring out a daily schedule that fits in EVERYTHING I have to do in a day.

Context & What Needs to be accomplished in day:
•27 yr old mom with severe ADHD
•3 kids (8 months & 3 yr girls, 5 yr boy)
•5 yr old school 8:00-3:30
•Kids bedtime at 7:00-8:00
•Demanding AF career (property management at a Class A BTR property with almost 500 residents/351 homes), office hours 9:00-6:00 - rarely get to ever have my 1 hr lunch break
•Gym 3-4 times a week, gym is open 4:30-10pm M-F, and shorter hours on weekend
•College courses with 6+ LONG assignments due weekly
•Meal Prep
•Ideally: time to read with a cup of tea

Y’all, I’m really just struggling. Life is overwhelming me because i have so much on my plate and cannot figure out a way to organize my daily duties (home, nor work). I’m very sick (cancer + necrotizing pancreatitis + heart valve disease) and my doctor NEEDS me to figure out a way to implement self care every day…but between work, college, family, and my training plan (workouts/meal plans with trainer who is an RN and creating my plan in accordance with my blood work and scans), I’m maxed out. I honestly don’t even know how to maximize my efficiency in a 24 hour period.
@archangel330 4:45-5 wake up/ workout
6:30-shower/dress kids up
7:30-8 drop off
Lunch break- school work at desk while eating lunch
5-7pm eat dinner/hang with kids/
8:30 after bedtime read and drink cup of tea, be asleep by 9:30

This is roughly my schedule. I only have 2 kids. My pro tips are

For house work, I don’t mind putting a load of laundry in at night and putting in dryer in the morning. Kids clean up their toys before bed. I have a robo vacuum and use the dishwasher for kitchen. Bathroom gets sprayed once a week with scrubbing bubbles and rinsed down. I don’t get to mop as often as I’d like but I’m over it.

I shower with my youngest to save time and not have to do it after I put her to sleep and am already tired.

Saturdays- spent outside of the house on activity with kids

Sunday- is just park and meal prep day.

All our meals mon-Fri are prepped. Dinner is literally cooked in microwave in less than 5 minutes.

Any homework I can’t do during the week, I try to squeeze in Friday and Saturday nights since I don’t work the next day, I sacrifice a little more sleep.
@judie Red lentil dal, potato cauliflower curry (aloo gobi), and black bean rice burgers are in the fridge geared up for the week. Both dal and curry served with rice.




My fave chili-

I also like to do lentil tomato soup, pastas, veggies and bean bowls. When I ate meat, I’d do lasagna, enchiladas, and ground turkey with red bell pepper a can of tomato sauce sprinkled with cheese and served with rice (turkey mix was a HIT in my house and so little effort!!)
@archangel330 Wow that is a lot! Can you pause on college classes for summer/fall and prioritize your health?

Prioritize what housework is most important to you and just let other stuff go. Or do less frequently
@matt21 I wish I could. I failed so many classes last year and the year before, landing myself on academic probation, because I was in the hospital for so many months and having so many surgeries. They won’t let me miss a semester. I have cut it down to one class instead of 2-3 though. This class is just extra demanding because I had to do a mini-mester instead of a full semester (they essentially cram a full semester’s work into only 8 weeks).

With the cleaning, I know it’s something I just personally have to work on. The house is always a wreck because 3 young kids, 2 dogs, and 3 cats, but my anxiety goes through the roof with a cluttered/messy house. I guess I just have to start figuring out how to not let that keep me on edge 24/7
@archangel330 Hi there. I’m sorry you’re going through this tough time. You sound really hard working and dedicated, and I admire that.

Your health issues, the way you label them, sound really serious. I think this is a season of life where you just have to prioritize your health and let some other things go. If your doctor thinks you need more rest to help improve your health outcomes when dealing with cancer, then please listen to your doctor’s advice.

I would recommend a medical leave of absence from your college. That seems like the low hanging fruit to take something off your plate. I’d also look for a new job with better hours (something like 8:30-4:30) and that is a tad less demanding. You want the job that is slow enough paced that you can sneak in at least 30 min a day to check your accounts/pay bills/call to schedule appointments, etc. You also want a job that will actually let you take your lunch break so you can use that time for the gym.

Do you have a spouse to help share this load? If not, do you have a girlfriend with similar age kids? Trade babysitting on the weekend. You take all the kids at your house for 3 hours so she gets alone time, then all the kids go to her house for 3 hours so you get alone time.

Best wishes to you. I hope you find healing and improved health soon!