
New member
Okay so, this might be long winded but I’ll try my best to keep it short, but I really need your help / opinions.

A week before I was predicted to ovulate, my boyfriend and I went unprotected. Then the same thing happened three days before I was to ovulate.
I took two generic brand birth control pills about 24hrs after, in hopes that it would act the same as a plan B.
Within 12 hours I started experiencing light cramps and then spotting when I woke up. Then I proceeded to bleed for about a day and a half. (Normal red blood, no clotting, definitely lighter than what my normal periods are) Then nothing.
My real period is supposed to happen in about a week from now.

Do you guys think the birth control worked, or did I experience implantation bleeding?
What are the next steps I should take? Should I double up on birth control pills again, or wait it out? (Obviously buying a pregnancy test would help but isn’t it too early?)

Anyway, thanks for the help!
@kkaye The sex is fully unprotected. Birth control pills only work if you take them everyday or if you take a number of them to form a Plan B. However, you also only took two pills once. This is not enough to act as emergency contraception.

Copper IUDs can be used as emergency contraception but only if placed within 5 days of the risky sex. As you said you had unprotected sex all week that likely isn’t an option, but I will mention it incase it is.

You should know tracking ovulation is very inaccurate unless done diligently with the aid of equipment like thermometers. Period tracking is not contraception, and will not reliably predict ovulation. Please go get condoms, and/or talk to your doctor about reliable birth control options. If you continue having sex like this there is an 85% chance that you will become pregnant within a year.

Take a pregnancy test in 3 weeks. Incase you need it in the future, r/auntienetwork helps people access termination services.
@kkaye It takes a lot more than two birth control pills to do the Yuzpe method. All of that sex was pretty much unprotected. If you’re going to take birth control, you need to take it routinely for at least 7 days before sex and 7 days after sex. Starting now won’t retroactively protect you. Take a pregnancy test 21 days after sex.

Edit: clarity