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My daughter is currently 7.5 months old and has been in Kangacare Rumparooz since she was 2 weeks old with absolutely no issues. In the last month she's been getting deep red indents and now a rash. I feel like my fit is good and in her thigh creases. I have stripped and sanitized all of my diapers. I switched to a Tide Free and Clear liquid detergent. I'm not sure what else I can do. I'm desperate! help!
@flowerchildtt Have you tried adding a second rinse cycle after your main wash? I had a very similar issue and it ended up being detergent buildup. My routine is now wash (tiny bit of detergent), wash again (hot, normal detergent), rinse, rinse again. Stripping didn't do anything for this issue because as soon as I washed them again the detergent would start building up again.

As someone else mentioned, you can check for this by swishing a clean diaper in a bowl of water. If the water gets cloudy/bubbly, it's detergent buildup.
@nick1000 Respectfully, it's absolutely a thing. Soap doesn't have a monopoly on buildup. Too much detergent or insufficient rinsing can cause significant issues, especially for a baby with sensitive skin.
@flowerchildtt You need hot water for both washes. I was doing a cold first wash and got ammonia build up and got rashes. Also you need detergent on both washes.
@flowerchildtt As a couple other people have commented, hot water for both washes will help get them cleaner. However, if this has been going on for about a month and you’ve sanitized them and it didn’t help, it might be time for a visit to the paediatrician. I obviously can’t diagnose her, but what you’re describing sounds similar to how my son’s yeast rash started, and if it is, in fact, something like that, you will need a prescription to clear it up.
@flowerchildtt If it's a red spotty rash is probably got some thrush in there which needs some antifungal. You can get one mixed with a mild steroidal cream that will help heaps.

Other than that it might be your wash routine and a ammonia burn.

How did you sanitise the inserts and what is your wash routine including time, temperature and how often you wash?
@flowerchildtt My advice: Detergent both loads but less. I tested my water at 50ppm which is fairly soft and I use a tablespoon of detergent (Tide F&G powder) in the first load, and 1/2 tablespoon in the 2nd load with an extra rinse. (When I did less in the first load and more in the second, I got detergent build up but YMMV.) I do 1st wash warm, 2nd hot, as I found this gets me less staining, but both hot are fine too. That cold wash without detergent is doing you no favors. Cold water causes the fibers to seize up and hold onto soil. The lack of detergent in that wash means that you’re just swishing the soil around and not actually cleaning it. I’d also switch to All Free & Clear Powder if you’re looking for a free & clear detergent. You can get it at Walmart or online. Liquid detergents are really difficult to use with cloth diapers unless you have extremely hard water. I’m guessing the reason you’re having issues now is a combination of starting solids and also detergent build up. To check for detergent build up, swish a diaper insert around In Lukewarm water. If the water gets super cloudy or bubbles, you’ve got build up. Don’t worry about stripping/mineral build up. If your water is soft, there’s no need to strip because that’s only for hard water mineral build up. Hope this helps!
@flowerchildtt Try having both washes be hot water and use detergent in both. Second wash should be the full amount recommended by manufacturer for a heavily spiked load. First wash should be about half that.

Also check that the amount of fabric in your main wash is just right for agitation. Too much or not enough fabric and things don’t rub against each other correctly, which leads to things not being clean.