Roblox terribleness.


New member
So my 8yr old son walks over to my wife giggling about what he has just seen on Roblox and repeats it, saying “I re n**rs” and my wife gasps, scaring him- and I am surprised as well. This of course surprised him, too, because he didn’t know what he was saying. This world sucks. He thought someone was trying to say I hate nuggets and wanted to show this goofy wording that was spray painted on a wall (not in chat). Makes me so mad to hear those words innocently come out of my son’s mouth.
@bynet I love video games..... But roblox is banned in my house that game is a cesspool of awfulness. I would rather my kids play mortal kombat than let them play roblox.
@pangalaj I'm totally with you.

I'm going to have a rule for my son when he's older. No online play unless it's a co op type thing with friends we actually know.
@rainfall FWIW Minecraft for education is exactly this - you have to have a student email address (most schools have one starting in elementary these days) and it's basically a series of pictures as your server password that you can share with your friends. Plus it's a free version of the vanilla game (no mods that I've seen yet)
@pangalaj My kiddo plays need for speed with me, we've talked about in game stuff vs real world so in game he can be screaming from the top of his lungs to crash into the police and we spent a good hour crashing random cars off a cliff into water. When we got stopped by the police in real life he sat in the backseat going "WeeWooWeeWoo" through the encounter xD.

We got stopped in a random sobriety test so nothing wrong with how daddy drives.
@pangalaj I see my nephews play this all the time, what's so bad about it? Just no moderation on their games? Every game on their is different isn't it? Is it just a big toxic community across all the games?