Ridiculously late intro, but I'm tired of lurking! :)


New member
Hi everyone, I'm almost 37yo, and almost 31 weeks with di/di b/g twins conceived via IVF #1 (male factor). I have been lurking here for months, because it is such a great community but I was so afraid of losing these little beans. I had major unexplained hemorrhaging weeks 10-20, scary liver issues in second trimester, and things finally seem to be settling down... minus the usual third trimester blues of course :) Anyway, I just want to thank all of you for your openness, empathy, and sense of humor. Oh, how I love how some of you make me laugh! I'm just happy to come out of the infertility closet at last. It was a loooong few years.
@kboveylmt It sounds terrible, but because of all the bleeding, we called them Bleeder 1 and Bleeder 2 for a long time. Then, when they started weighing ahead of the curve, we changed it to Husky and Boomer. Totally ridiculous. We still don't have real-life names either!
@agapewarrior52 I love it. Real names are hard, aren't they? At least that's something fun to stress about at least. I'm sorry you have had a rough time, I'm glad you're as far as you are! Keep your fingers crossed for me.