returning to an afterhours role with a 2yr and 1yr old.. is this doable!?!


New member
Hey guys,
I'm currently on my second year of mat leave and am due back at work I'm August. I'm an afterhours hospital coordinator and my shifts are 2pm-1am on weekdays and 10am-1030pm weekends. My contract is 0.8 however when I return, I'm able to negotiate reduced hours.
Considering my kids will be 1 and 2yr old when I go back, I'm thinking the hours are going to be a nightmare!! The kids will be at childcare 3 days a week but I can't fathom finishing work at 1am and getting home even later only to be up early to say hello then goodbye to them for another day! 😢

Has anyone experienced working late with small children? Does it work? Should I consider something more business hours?

Any help welcome!! Thanks in advance 🙏