Recommendations for carriers that don’t press sensitive tummies?


New member
My 9 week old daughter is nearly 14lbs and has “silent reflux”. I’d always imagined I’d baby wear constantly but she’s uncomfortable in the carriers I have even 30+ minutes after nursing.

We have a Solly wrap but she gets quite hot in it. Our ErgoBaby Embrace leads to lots of burping and even spitting up when tightened correctly and she squirms or cries. I worried I had the straps too tight but when they’re quite loose and she seems more comfortable the carrier sinks down too low for the K in TICKS (even with the waistband at my bra band)

Does anyone have a carrier they love that doesn’t squeeze baby bellies while also preventing slumping? (I’m so anxious about positional asphyxiation 😰)

Thank you! ❤️

[ETA: my SIL just bought us a ring sling for Christmas because she loved them with our niece but I’m a bit scared to try it until our baby has better head and neck control. Is that silly? I have PPA and find myself paranoid about even the Embrace’s positioning the whole time 😅]
@nunon101 I used the ring sling from basically day 1. Search YouTube for videos of how to carry a newborn. It takes practice to get it right but once you do it's the easiest carrier imo.
@nunon101 Our son got GERD (not sure on the translation but seems that is the english acronym) so we basicaly could not lay him, babywearing was mandatory, but some knot or carrier weren't good enought.

We took a course to learn the best way to carry him, some consultant are trained for those kind of thing. The knots we learned for woven wrap help quite a lot (a variation of the kangaroo knot, literal translation is reverse kangaroo, that the little one has more free space)!
@nunon101 You can definitely use the ring sling at this age! There are ways to use the tail of the sling to create extra neck support, but if you’re using it correctly neck will be supported!