Recommendations for a baby gate?


New member
Looking for a secure baby gate for the top of the stairs with a walk-through option similar to this. Would prefer if it could swing both ways, too, but that's optional.

If I'm remembering correctly, I don't think I'm supposed to just use a pressure-mounted gate, but rather one that actually screws into the wall. Does anybody have one that they love?

E: forgot to mention that I have a wall on one side of the stairs, and a half wall on the other, which is why I'm having some difficulty in my search. Many of the wall-mounted ones I've found picture a banister or posts on one side of the steps, but mine needs to attach to both walls.
@christgrl The North States metal gates are really nice and sturdy. They look great and can handle abuse, but they're a bit more expensive. They have a few different style gates for use at the top of stairs. We haven't purchased one of these yet, but are going to soon. We currently have 2 of their metal superyards and a long gate for a wider entrance to keep the dogs out of our bedroom. Quality is great in both.