Recommendation on carrier that works for a newborn


New member
I’m expecting my second this summer, and he’ll to be born week 36 (same as my first). Given how big he’s been measuring at scans and how big my first was, I’m guessing he’ll be around 7lbs at birth.

I have a ring sling and a Tula Explore, and both were great starting around 6 weeks for the ring sling and 8 weeks for the Tula, but neither worked before that.

Are there any recommendations for carriers that work for newborns? It doesn’t need to work for long since we have the others, but I would love to be able to baby carry from the beginning. I’ll be having a c-section, so probably won’t be doing much baby wearing the first 2 weeks but after that I want to have it as an option.

Thanks in advance!
@jonesmith092 Stretchy wraps can look intimidating, but if you practice a few times before baby comes, you can get it on in a flash! Plus you can keep it tied around the house without baby in it so you can just pop them in and out through the day. I love the Solly for warm weather because it’s super thin, like a well worn jersey t-shirt.
@drwoods Thirding! I used a Solly with our daughter pretty quickly after she was born (in the super hot July heat). We both loved getting out of the house for daily walks. Practicing beforehand definitely helped (I had to work on getting it tight enough for sure) and I practiced with a stuffed animal lol.

Once she got a bit bigger, we switched to the Tula Free-to-Grow, which I’ve really loved. Still using it now at nearly 22 months!
@kimhoon Even better trick for anyone else reading this! Take a bag or rice or beans, lay it in a diaper, and then put the diaper on the stuffed animal demo doll of your choosing. It will give the doll a more weighted bum so you can have a more accurate feeling for adjustments.

Source: babywearing educator during the pandemic when I needed to get creative :p
@drwoods I found it really hard to practice when pregnant especially in the third trimester. I could never comfortably get it tied around my belly properly. I have a Boba wrap and tried with a teddy bear a bunch of times and couldn’t get it. It took a few tries once baby was here but then I had it down!
@drwoods Also adding to the chorus saying stretch wrap. I will add that sometimes babies can start off fussy in even a well tied wrap. My daughter would only let me tuck in her head when she was FRESH fresh or once she had already fallen asleep. So bouncing and rocking a baby to calm them in the wrap is often necessary while they get used to it, it doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong with it.
@jonesmith092 I had the Ergo baby embrace for when mine was around 3 weeks (seemed to tiny to me to put in before that even though he was brown 9lb 😂). The. I switched to the carifit carrier at 2 months.
@jonesmith092 For the tiny tiny baby phase I loved my ring sling. I needed to get baby into the carrier fast since I also had a toddler and the stretchy wrap was way too complicated. And I loved the stretch wrap with my first! I tried the woven when he was a tiny squish and it was impossible. My biggest lesson from baby #2 is that not only are baby product preferences specific to individuals, they're specific to times in your life too! So keep your ring sling in mind this time, you might like it sooner than you did with your first!
@jonesmith092 Ringsling can work well with Newborns, some people find a single twist/fold/flip in the back can help with Newborns. Depending where you are there are some really good and useful options available. The boba bliss is a really nice option for new babies, some people also like other stretchy buckles, the marsupi carrier if its easy to get hold of is super simple.
@jonesmith092 I just couldn’t get the hang of learning a proper stretchy wrap. I ended up buying the Boppy Comfy Fit carrier which is like a hybrid structured carrier/wrap. It’s so much easier for me to use and babe is still nice and snug in there like with a traditional wrap.
@jonesmith092 So head support comes from the wearer not the carrier. Ring slings are actually one of the top recommendations for small and potentially medically complicated babies (not saying yours is/was or will be more saying this is #1 choice for the floppiest 0 head control babies). So you may want to consider your ring sling as an option and connect with a local library/babywearing educator on how to get a proper fit!
@jonesmith092 I echo using a stretchy wrap for the newborn days and then switch to a structured carrier around 2-3 months. Babe is close to you and you are comfortable. It's a win win!