Question around social situations


New member
I find myself struggling on having friends over because if they stay past when my baby (8 months) goes to sleep I’m not sure what to do. My baby and I go to bed at the same time. I am able to roll away once he’s asleep but we are on an actual bed and I’m afraid if he wakes up, that he’ll try and crawl off the bed.

If friends come over, I was thinking of putting his crib mattress on the floor in his room and having him fall asleep with me in there and once he does, going back with friends but I’m not sure.

He has slept on a crib mattress on the floor without me for like an hour. He has also slept in a bed without me for almost 2 hours. He just doesn’t tend to sleep long in his actual crib/pack n play. Any recommendations on what to do would be great.

Also, does anyone’s babies successfully nap in their crib during the day but still cosleep at night? I think I would like to try transitioning my baby’s naps to his crib so I am able to get stuff done while he is sleeping. I feel bad cause I’ll end up trying to accomplish stuff while he’s awake since we contact nap. However, I’m in no rush to transition away from cosleeping at night.
@rickardbriggs Can't answer r.e. the nighttime. For me I don't really have guests over past baby's bedtime atm. For the naps tbh I can't be bothered with the crib and having to possibly resettle, I choose a contact or pram or carrier nap.