Question about weird period after initiating weaning!! I’m nervous


New member
First off, my 1 year old baby is not totally weaned. We do full nursing sessions upon wake up, a short one before her 1 nap per day and another full one before bed. I plan to continue this as long as she wants. But I guess I’ve started weaning because over the past few months weve cut down from 6 to 3 nursing sessions per day.

Since then my period has kinda sorta ALMOST come back 2-3 times for just one day, or a little bit of spotting here or there, for the past 2-3 months. NOT a real full one by any stretch.

Tonight my period has come back and my menstrual cup seems really clot-filled after just an hour or two. It wasn’t super full, but what was in there was mostly clot. Is that normal?

The other confounding factor is I got the J and J vaccine yesterday, and felt a pretty strong reaction for about 8 hours (fatigue, achy and low grade fever). Then I was fine. It was worth it (if I reacted that strongly to the vaccine I can only imagine how bad the COVID might have been for me!).

However, I know blood clotting is an issue with that as are weird period symptoms so now I’m kind of freaking out. I’m hoping that someone on here can tell me it’s just normal to have clotty periods when you have your first real one after birth and bf. And that it has nothing to do w the vaccine.

Any first period after birth experiences appreciated !!! (Not lochia, but the first one down the line). Are heavy clotty periods normal???
@bknight006 I got my period back at 7 months while still breastfeeding, and ever since (the last 4 months now) my periods have been crazy heavy! I had pretty light periods before baby so I was freaked out at first.
@bknight006 Look, it's always worth a phone call to your medical provider if you are worried.

That said, I've been following the corona vaccines and the blood clotting they are worried about with the vaccines shows up minimum 4 days after, and you're looking for things like headache, leg cramp, sore stomach. (Source- Coronacast) headache etc can be normal reactions to the vaccine (your immune system is having a work out on this training camp) so they stress it's the stuff a week after the vaccine that you should worry about.

My first period (still breastfeeding boo) came back and was weird for me, so not surprised that you're first is a little weird from normal.
@cindyfernandez Thank you. That makes me feel a little better. I don’t really have a medical provider at the moment, and money is pretty tight right now after having been off a year without pay because of COVID. There is probably a hotline to call but it’s the middle of the night so I’m mostly looking for some peace of mind about other experiences. I’m not going to waste $600 on an ambulance or load the baby in the car to spend a fortune on a midnight clinic for a clotty period...but maybe I can sleep a little better hearing that other first periods were weird. I can’t seem to find much online on this.
@cindyfernandez Thank you for asking!!

I just woke up. I feel fine and just checked my lady cup and it was much less clot filled than last night. Maybe I was having a little anxiety attack...I think I’m in the clear!