Qualitative HCG vs Quantitative HCG test.. positive on 1 and not the other


New member
Hi there.. I was just in the ER Monday for a tooth abscess where my face swelled up. They took blood gave me antibiotics and did a CT scan of my head. Went over my scan results but then he asked if I knew I was pregnant? I said no. I was very shocked. My last period was two weeks before and the last and only time I had been intimate with my partner was 5 days prior so was unaware it could even be detected that fast. I was so shocked I asked could there be anything else to cause positive HCG levels and he threw reproductive cancer at me.

So I went home terrified out of my mind that i was unexpectedly Pregnant with my second child or had cancer and a giant painful tooth abscess swelling my face. I looked at the test results in MyChart and it says “HCG Qualitative - Present but less than 25 mIU/mL. Equivocal for pregnancy. Suggest redraw in 2/3 days.”

I got up the next day and called my previous obgyn and he ordered a second blood test. I just got the results for this one this morning and it says “HCG Beta Quantitative Value
@jale66 It’s possible the original blood test was wrong or something happened at the lab. Try not to panic but absolutely get in with your doctor.

If you begin to experience severe abdominal pain or begin having very heavy bleeding, consider going to an ER just to be safe.