Puffs without all the garbage ingredients?


New member
I prefer ingredients on my food to be simple and clear to understand. My son (10mo) should have the same.

I dont like a lot of baby "puffs" becuase I don't see why all the extra stuff is in them. I know a lot Is the fortification but he gets fortified coral already. I'd like snacks to be simple.

My son loves BAMBA and Inner Peas. Trader Joe's Carries both and they both have like 5 ingredients. I love the idea of puffs as an occasional snack bc there is minamal mess and he seems to love the feel on his teething mouth. He gets whole real food all day too.

If anyone knows of any, I would love a few other brands of puff type food this this healthy without all the BS and I am also open to other snack ideas that fit the tidy/yummy/easy to throw in my diaper bag bill.

EDIT: THANK YOU for all the ideas reddit! As I was looking for some of these to try online, I also found these which no one mentioned yet and seem to be pretty good:

@katieflute At that age we would give my LO puffed rice cereal instead of the 'puffs'. It is easy to find an organic and minimal ingredient kind, and it helps them practice small motor skills too!
@katieflute Regular old cheerios arent the worst option for portable dissolving finger foods. They do include sugar, but the amount is small and they get stale more slowly than puffs.
@katieflute We give puffed wheat cereal for snacks. (Nature’s Path brand.) It’s literally just wheat kernels and air, and I actually find it tastier than more processed puffs because it tastes like what it is.
@katieflute Paleo Puffs by Lesser Evil are pretty good. The no cheesy flavor tastes the best, IMO. My older daughter doesn’t care for them, but my youngest loves them.
@katieflute Happy tots make these Dino puffs they are hard to find but they are organic and have kale and choline and some good stuff in them and are a good size for the early toddler. I Amazoned a 12 pack.

Edit: oh ya when I’m lazy or desperate I do pirates
Booty but you know Hippeas are vegan and organic just not as an easy melt in their mouth factor
@katieflute Puffworks! They make peanut butter puffs for littles, and they only have 4 ingredients—peanut butter, 2 types of cornmeal and salt.

They have adult varieties too, the honey ones are my kryptonite (and they only have 6 ingredients).
@louid Bamba at TJs is the exact same thing btw! Baby is hooked! I found out about it from a few isreali friends who mentioned that all babies in Israel eat them and that there is an extremely low incidence of peanut allergies there. Peanut puffs are the best!
@katieflute Good to know! The ingredients are a little different, but TJs is definitely cheaper. I’ll have to buy some the next time I’m there. Thanks!!
@katieflute We are vegan, added salt (with flexibility) & added sugar free. The best I have found is the President’s Choice broccoli & spinach puffs. that is the only brand and only flavour that doesn’t have any. Not sure where you are located but this is in Ontario.