Promoted this afternoon!


New member
My wife is an absolute rockstar. We had posted a few weeks ago about our journey with preeclampsia putting a roadblock in everything. It was an unwelcome detour, but we arrived into the world this afternoon at 12:25- 5lb15oz, 17 3/4" long. Not super talkative in the NICU because she's only 34 weeks and needs some time to develop her lungs, but we had an APGAR 9 at 10 minutes. She was induced at 7am yesterday.

My wife had asked for an epidural at 2:30am, and received it at 4am. It was misplaced and was thus ineffective. She labored from 7am to 10am all on her own. She finally got epidural #2 at 10:30 which was effective, and the physician check at 11 said "hey she's at plus one you wanna start pushing?"

We got the official green light to deliver at 11:50, and the L&D team got a practice push in at 12:15 at which point she was plus two. Less than 10 minutes into active pushing, baby's here naturally. Wild. Mom and baby are as healthy as can be for their conditions, and it's a surreal feeling to be a dad.

We stayed the course, and from the last post, I'm celebrating my daughter's birth with a professional hockey championship for our local team, who won it in overtime, game 7. Honestly: that was more stressful than the delivery by a wide margin.