Pre-pregnancy Blood Tests


New member
I had my annual physical a couple weeks ago, and my doctor gave me the lab requisition to get my testing done, which I kind of forgot about until the post @frederickmilles made last week about the Rubella reminder. I just wanted to do a quick rundown of the tests my doc ordered in case anyone was curious what all they would want to get tested for!

1) CBC (Complete Blood Count) - used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including: Red blood cells, which carry oxygen

2) Ferritin - iron count

3) TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) - TSH blood test is used to check for thyroid gland problems

4) ABO & Rh - ABO blood groups include O, A, B, or AB. The Rh antigen is another compound that may or may not be present on the surface of red blood cells. The Rh test determines whether this configuration is present ("Rh-positive") or absent ("Rh-negative") on an individual's blood cells

5) Rubella IgG - positive rubella IgG test result is good-it means that you are immune to rubella and cannot get the infection

6) Varicella IgG - positive varicella (chicken pox) IgG test result is good-it means you are immune to chicken pox and cannot get the infection
@midaso I just had antenatal bloods done today - we're three months out from trying and I was seeing my ob/gyn and they figured we might as well!! So interested to see my results, I somehow don't know my blood type! Can't wait to find out what i am haha
@midaso Thanks for the reminder! I scheduled my annual exam and they want me to go get labs done. I think I will email and ask if they should draw anything else!
@midaso Thank you!

Does one need the Varicella IgC if one had chickenpox as a kid (the vaccine came out... right after me and my sister got it... yeah story of my life).