Potency of pills after exposure to over 30°C heat


New member
I’ve been taking Slinda (drospirenone) and I accidentally left my pack exposed to heat for around 20 mins while at the beach the other day. It’s a tropical climate and the heat index that day was around 43°C (~110°F). It was inside a jelly bag and while the pack itself wasn’t searing hot, the bag was (since it was hit by direct sunlight).

Should I replace the pack as soon as I get back home? I’m worried the pills aren’t potent anymore. Really bummed because it’s just been the first week/row so it’d be wasteful. Would really appreciate the advice!
@target1019 It should be fine. Check if the appearance changed tho. Some countries have really hot weather, i doubt if all medicines are unusable there. I personally live in a humid country. Been taking for 14 years and never had a problem.

If you're anxious you can buy a new packet.