Possible vanishing twin at 6+5 after IVF cycle


New member
The ultrasound started off as hoped for, with an embryo measuring on schedule and a heartbeat of 122. But then the ultrasound tech found a second yolk sac inside the same gestational sac! Embryo B was much harder to visualize, and no heartbeat was visible. She cautioned us that based on their size discrepancy, there was a high likelihood that it would be a vanishing twin. Also, because they share a gestational sac it would be a riskier twin pregnancy.

My partner is hoping for the lower risk single pregnancy, but I'm kind of wishing for both embryos to keep growing. I'll be happy either way, of course, and I'm ecstatic to be pregnant after 3 years of trying and a previous miscarriage.

Anyway, I've got a follow up next week at 7+6, which I hope will give us an answer one way or the other. Wish I'd luck!

These were their measurements:

A: 6.7 mm c/w 6w4d

B: 3.3 mm c/w 6w0d

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