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Many of my friends and I fall victim to child abuse, so we’re planning to take action in our school district by showing our school the evidence of the amount of child abuse cases collected through this survey.

Even though you are not a victim, it is okay to fill this out. We want as accurate stats as possible!

We brought this to the school once, and they told us victims could report it. Since there are no reports, they brush the problem away. But in reality, IT IS NOT THAT SIMPLE! Parents provide us with basic necessities such as shelter, food, clothes, etc., hence many cases go unreported. From my personal experience, I thought child abuse was normal until I opened up to my friends about it in ninth grade.

Please help our case! Any participation will be greatly appreciated!
@dtn1234 This is a great thing y’all are doing. Keep pushing for more action from your school. My school also brushed this reality aside. Statistically 12-14% of kids experience abuse. That’s a lot and there needs to be adults who can step in and help kids in these situations. Unfortunately, abuse is underreported because they either don’t know they’re being abused because this is their normal or they are too scared to report.

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