Planned C-Section. What do I need to pack/have?


New member

I am scheduled for a c-section in early May and wanted some advice/tips about what the most helpful and nessicary items for recovery are. I should preface, this is not my first c-section. I had to have an emergency one my last delivery so I didn't get the opportunity to learn about the most helpful items, tools, advice.

This is my 4th and final baby. My first 2 were delivered vaginally but I have opted to have a c-section this time #1 because I'm getting my tubes tied and #2 so that I'm not suddenly thrown into an operating room again after 27 hours of labor..

Not to make this wordy, but I have googled things to bring but a lot of them seem more for looks than for use. I want to make the most out of this experience and give myself a chance to have a better experience this time around.

Thank you!