Pills + diaphragm (w/ spermicide) = good idea?


New member
I have been religiously taking the BC pill (monophasic, two packs continuously + 4 day break... repeat the cycle), have never missed, and so far it's been good.

However, since I live in a country where abortion is illegal, I'm paranoid about getting pregnant (BC pills can fail for a number of reasons, worst of all my own body betraying me), especially since I'm not wealthy enough to fly out on a whim to get an abortion should I need it.

So I'm thinking about doubling up with a diaphragm. I've done some googling and searching in this subreddit, and I haven't found anyone who does it. Most of the doubling-up methods I've seen involve the use of condoms, which I'm not too fond of (and I'm in a monogamous relationship anyway, so I have little need for STD protection).

Any feedback on this? Thanks a lot!
@wogs You can ask /r/birthcontrol, they'll probably have more knowledge about specific combinations than we here.

Much success finding something!
@wogs The diaphragms are fine if you can get them but just be aware that some women have negative reactions to spermicides, especially if you have sensitive skin or are prone to yeast infections and that sort of thing. Some men also have negative reactions to the spermicides, so just be aware that's a possibility.

Besides condoms, pulling out is also a half decent back-up (if you find that sexy). It's not effective enough for me to ever suggest it as your only method, but it's effective enough to increase the effectiveness of the pill.

You might want to also consider an IUD. Mirena, the hormonal IUD, is super effective and can stop your periods. Copper IUDs are less expensive, can last longer, and are very very effective as well (although they are not recommended for women who have PCOS, a history of problematic ovarian cysts, or women with brutal periods, as the copper acts to irritate the uterus and this can make for angrier periods).
@wogs http://m.scarleteen.com/article/sex...tes_for_backing_up_your_birth_control_with_a_

That link is for the effectiveness of using two contraceptives together. I'd say your pretty safe tho.

If something does happen 6,000 mg of vitamin C (without rose hip or bioflavonoids mixed in) a day for 3 days will cause a miscarriage if your under 10 weeks. Also if you look up women on the web (I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong) they'll send you the abortion pill for free. Stay safe!

Edit: I was informed that the vitamin c thing is false, also link to women of the web : https://www.womenonweb.org/
If something does happen 6,000 mg of vitamin C (without rose hip or bioflavonoids mixed in) a day for 3 days will cause a miscarriage if your under 10 weeks.

Wow, I didn't know about this. Thank you!
@wogs No problem, Hopefully you never have to use this, I forgot to say that drinking alot of parsley tea with it can make this more likely to work.
@pv72 Self aborting can also be prosecuted in some countries with strict anti-abortion laws. I feel bad for some women. There was a woman in my high school who didn't know that abortion was covered by government health care (I live in Canada) and so she self-aborted by going on a vodka diet for three days until she got so sick she miscarried. It's not something I would recommend to women.
@katrina2017 If there is access to a safe legal abortion than of course you shouldn't self abort. On the other hand, If a legal abortion is not an option I think it becomes a viable choice.
Pregnant women are generally told to take a multivitamin containing Vitamin C.

Maybe it's the ones that have rose hip or bioflavonoids in them? I read somewhere that they started adding these to Vitamin C supplements because women were using the vitamins for abortion.