Overwhelmed by Travel Stroller Options!


New member
I’ve been poring over travel stroller options and I’m having decision fatigue. I had a summer infant umbrella stroller that was surprisingly a workhorse but I accidentally left it on vacation recently. Wondering if anyone can help recommend a travel stroller for my two year old with some specifics: 1. Fits in airplane overhead bin, 2. Does NOT have a drawstring to lower the seat back. Preferably looking for a lever or other mechanism, 3. Is maneuverable with one hand, 4. Can close using one hand, 5. Is under $500. Thank you!!
@deadworm Babyzen YoYo! Overhead cabin compliant and can fold and open with one hand. Comes with a bunch of extra add ons. Downside (as with most travel strollers) is 6+ months, baby faces away from you.
@deadworm Hi! I am pregnant with my first and I have done lots of store testing and research. We landed on the Joolz Aer+. I obviously can’t speak to actually using it but based on reviews people love it. I recommend The Stroller Mom YouTube channel for research.
@deadworm To further elaborate, I had narrowed it down to Bugaboo Butterfly and Joolz Aer+. I did a side by side in the store. Both are great but liked the Joolz a little more.

One big convenience selling point was they are both comparable with the Nuna PIPA Car seat (with adapters) but with the Joolz, you can fold the stroller with the adapters on. You don’t have to take them off like on the bugaboo.
@deadworm There is a great travel w babies group on Facebook with lots of people who travel crazy distances. Also whereisbriggs on Instagram. I’m pregnant now and plan to do lots of travelling with our babe so I’m just in the research phase but I find those two resources the best. I think it depends on your car seat situation and age/size of kid(s) as well.
@deadworm I have a tall toddler and also did a ton of research. We went with the Bugaboo Butterfly. It did great on our recent international trip, other than a few cosmetic dings on the chassis (which has been a frequent complaint of this model). Easy to fold, fit in overheads and taxi trunks, great one handed steering (I used a summer 3D lite on our last trip and HATED that I needed both hands to push). The seat is tall and lies nearly flat, and since it comes with the footrest our toddler was able to take multiple stroller naps. The under carriage is also pretty huge on the butterfly which I loved - we went to the zoo one day and it held my LL Bean tote plus my friend’s backpack plus two of the kids’ water bottles. It didn’t handle cobblestone or potholes very well, but otherwise on just regularly bumpy sidewalks was fine. If you’re going somewhere where you’ll be walking on a lot of cobblestone or gravel, consider just gate checking your full size stroller.
@deadworm I got a Chicco Lightway Stroller for cheap at a garage sale and it was perfect for travel. It's an umbrella stroller but it is normal height and more padded. It also can hold a chicco infant car seat if needed! It has a cupholder and below stroller storage. I actually use it more than I thought I would because it's so lightweight.