Our wedding is on 9/22/22, but I’m struggling on waiting till then to try


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I (32F) and my soon to be husband (35M) have planned to elope in Orlando, FL this year and specifically spend the majority of the day celebrating at the Universal Studios theme parks. Kind of a last hoorah before we have kids. I wanted to get married in 2020, but the pandemic really messed up our schedule and now we’ve finally set the date and hired our vendors. I feel like the pandemic took my precious early fertile years of my 30s too ☹️.

However, we decided that we’re going to start trying after we get back, but I can’t help fighting the urge to start trying, like TODAY. I hope to have two kids and everyone keeps telling me the sooner the better.

In my own selfish reasons, I didn’t want to get pregnant until after we’re married because I’m dying to ride the rollercoasters at the theme parks and go to Halloween Horror Nights! Although, I’m thinking if I were pregnant by then I don’t think I would mind just celebrating in the park and only seeing the shows since there is more to do than rollercoasters.

I ordered my Modern Fertility kit, but need to wait a couple weeks to use it, hopefully the results are promising. My future sister-in-law also just got pregnant and we’re the same age. I just fear waiting too long to start trying for multiple kids. I feel so young but so old at the same time :(.
@camfree The last thing on my pre baby bucket list is universal studios!! Absolutely worth waiting to be able to enjoy the rides one more time - you’re soo close!!!
@1astrokid1 Thanks and glad I’m not the only one! I know I want to go on so many rides so bad, especially the newer ones! We haven’t been to the parks since 2019 and I’m dying to go, that’s why I decided to do a wedding/honeymoon all in one trip. Right now I have an adrenaline junkie brain and a baby making brain and they’re not the best of friends at the moment, haha.
@camfree I’m not gonna lie, I’d wait for those rides. My own mom loved rollercoasters and rides but after having kids she developed motion sickness and can’t go on many rides anymore that she used to love. They also took us (my brother and I) to Disney when we were younger and they didn’t get to go on any rides together because we needed them to go with us. They didn’t get to take things at their pace or by their interest in the ride.

It’s still fun, but that one last hoorah might as well be getting all of those fun things in with your new spouse. I can’t imagine they’d have as much fun on those rides without ya
@gigilynn2 This is so true, my parents took my brother and I to Disney and Universal when we were younger and could only do 2-3 rides a day because they both got motion sickness. To this day they can only do 1 rollercoaster, after that they’re toast for the day. I’m fortunate right now that it doesn’t happen to me, but we never know how our bodies will change after having kids so yeah that is another good reason to wait.
@camfree Four months isn’t going to make a difference in your fertility. I’d for sure wait so you can have your cake and eat it too. Also, 32 isn’t very old! A healthy 32 y/o without fertility issues could easily have four or more kids before menopause hit.
@dichthuatsaigon Good point that four months isn't really going to make a difference!! I understand the eagerness though! I'm feeling the same way. Wanting to start NOW even though it makes very little sense logistically. I do think enjoying the rides will be a lot of fun on your wedding day. You can literally start trying the night of your wedding if you want :) something to look forward to. Four months will fly by!
@1cor1522 Omg we’re totally starting our wedding night. I always envisioned myself being too tired from the big day but a wedding baby is just too good of a story to pass if we’re lucky to conceive right away, lol.
@camfree I know how you feel as I am 38. But I would say wait until your wedding (it's 4 months away) and enjoy the theme park. Try to focus on the wedding, get off your contraceptives and start your prenatals. It's close girl, you almost there...
@turbosixx So true, I’m convinced to wait now, plus hopefully focusing more on the wedding will keep my baby mind turned off. You’re right it is so close!
@camfree Are you me?? I’m also 31 (but will be 32 when I get married in September) and having a honeymoon in Florida! I am also so keen to go on rides etc but also would easily start trying today otherwise! You have a kindred spirit here and I hope all goes well for you :)
@daisies89 OMG that’s crazy! Hello fellow kindred spirit! 👋 haha. So cool that we know there are people just like us on the same path of life. Stuff like this is why I love connecting with others on Reddit! Congrats on your future wedding and hope everything is goes well for you too! Like others have said, we’re almost to the homestretch, just 4 months to go!!! 🤞😊
@camfree I know, it's crazy isn't it! I'm enjoying coming off my birth control at the moment and learning about my body and cycles etc, so that after the honeymoon we can start in earnest. Though at the moment my fertility app is predicting I'm going to ovulate the day after my wedding 👀
@daisies89 Yay! That’s awesome! I never thought to check my fertility app in the future, but alas, it says I’m going to be on my period essentially most of the trip 😞. Ugh, my period always does that to me! 😩 hopefully that will change a bit, haha. I’m glad for you though! 👍😊
@camfree Hey! Same boat here! I’m also 32, my fiancé is 36. My wedding is 10/8/22, we’re getting courthouse married ahead of time 8/16/22 on our dating anniversary (for a bunch of practical reasons like getting on his heath insurance before ttc).

I TOTALLY feel you. I just got my nexplanon implant removed and we’ve reverted to condoms for the time being. Even my mother is encouraging us to just “forget” the condoms lol.

But is it terrible I just want to be able to have champagne all night at our wedding? But I also want to start ttc right now. But I also don’t want to not fit into my wedding dress come October.

The impatience but also desire to hold off at the same exact time is for real.

Edit to add - what is the modern fertility kit??? I only just joined this sub and I’m totally streets behind on all the lingo and info!
@question Aww I love the idea of having two dates to celebrate! Congratulations! And lol to your mom joining in on your sex life 🙅‍♀️😭😂. I feel you, my Mom and my fiancé’s Dad are constantly telling us to make babies now.

I feel the same way about the dress! Which I guess is another good reason to postpone getting pregnant. Although my dress wasn’t expensive, I still like it and want it to fit on the big day! I say definitely celebrate with champagne and to also fit into our dresses!

Oh yeah! Modern Fertility is what I believe to be the HOLY GRAIL to anyone who is waiting to conceive right now: https://modernfertility.com. It’s a testing kit that will allow you to see basically how your current fertile state is and if your good to wait to conceive or should start trying sooner, it determines a lot of stuff like how many eggs in reserve you have,etc. I highly suggest you check it out, it’s covered by HSA too if you have one and you can skip the doctors visit and the horrendous expenses they would charge for the same tests.

Side note: I’m learning so much about fertility now and I think it’s soo unfair that we’re born with our million eggs and they start depleting the day that we’re born and once their gone THEIR GONE, but guys get to make BRAND new sperm everyday! What gives?!
@camfree Yeah we figured if we’re taking care of the legal marriage ahead of time to be practical adults, we might as well do it on our dating anniversary! We might just get a little sloppy with the birth control that night, I doubt I’d be pregnant by our wedding day in October but if I am it’ll really be okay. It would likely be too early to be a problem for my dress by that point.

And my mom is hilarious, she and I are very close and she has zero filter.

I’m going to check out that modern fertility kit, I’d like to read some more about them. Their site kind of freaks me out but it’s likely just fear of the unknown. I thought we start losing eggs once we start to menstruate during puberty, not before then! That’s interesting.