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I am switching my 7 month old daughter from breastmilk to formula and solids and (as the title says) OMG poop! I used to just throw the bm poop in the washer and it magically disappeared. So far no problems getting diaps clean, but i am not satisfied with my current method (spatula the mess into the toilet). I cannot use a sprayer because I live in an apartment and the toilet valves are stuck.

TL;DR So what do you do with the poop?
@redeemed84 I use a peri bottle to spray the worst of it off. Occasionally I need to refill the bottle for a second spray but it's cheap and it works.
@redeemed84 Use disposable inserts. We also have a 7 months old that has started to get some more solid BMs. Pull the liner out and trash it. Some claim to be flushable, but we just put ours in the garbage.
@redeemed84 I wouldn't suggest flushable liners. They aren't truly flushable and can really mess up your pipes. If there is a sink close to your toilet you can still use a sprayer. They make sprayers for dog bathing that attaches to the faucet. I've seen people use this over the more conventional sprayers. This is also nice because it's portable, so if you go on vacay with your dipes you can still bring your sprayer.
@redeemed84 Some people do the swish and flush thing where you stick the diaper into the toilet water, swish it around, and then flush with a good grip on the diaper so the water pressure cleans it off some. That method is best done with rubber gloves, haha. Then you can wring it out and toss it in the wet bag!

Another option is to use flushable liners as the poop gets more solid. That way you can just pull it out and dump it in the toilet with no water involved!
@ellymm On this same note there are these disposable towlelette/ liners that you just fold and and put on your insert. They look like paper towels. Any who they are flushable. It's Just So you don't have to stick your hand in poop. You van buy a giant roll for like $7. And they are biodegradable so not bad on the environment.
@ellymm Thanks for the reply. So with the flushable liners do you use them in every diap? or do you try to make a good guess which one it should go in? My daughter pees a lot, but only poops once a day.
@redeemed84 We dunk and swish when it's not plopable. It's not as bad as some people make it out to be. We use flushable liners in nighttime diapers only because we double them with pad folded flats so they're a pain to swish. If they wake up and don't poop, which is like once in a month haha, we just toss the liner in the wash and use it a second time. After that it falls apart. I like the Imse Vimse Bio Liners, we get them on Amazon because I have a prime membership and get free 2 day shipping, so we always have them in stock. They also work great as a barrier for non-CD compatible ointments and creams, my son has stomach troubles and gets burn like rashes from his poop sometimes, so we use Aquafor on him to heal him up quick and I've never had an issues with it leaking through the liner. We can also just toss the liner in the trash instead of washing something separately.
@redeemed84 That one's up to you! If she usually poops on a schedule, then yeah, save it for when you think it's gonna happen. The worst that can happen is you have to revert back to your spatula or swish and flush. Not like it's going to ruin the diap if she poops in it, haha. That'd be a good money saver too!

I haven't tried it yet (mine is due in April), but I bought a roll of each of the kinds of disposable liners from Alva that I'll be test driving. They're pretty cheap!