Notes on swings and carriers.


New member
While Caleb is sleeping, I wanted to type a few notes on baby carriers and swings/rockers now that I've had the chance to use a few different types. This isn't meant to be all inclusive; just a few thoughts to consider. YMMV.

Baby carriers:
I find myself using the Baby Bjorn the most. It's the easiest to put on and take off. It also has a lot of adjustment and is easy to use with little/no sleep. Red to red, blue to blue, snap the two buttons and off you go.
I've tried the Infantino carrier. Very similar to the Bjorn but with more straps so a bit harder to use.
My wife loves the Baby K'tan. Easy to use and great breathability for the summer. Only issue is it's not adjustable, so I can't use it and we'll need another one when Caleb grows.
We've tried the Moby wrap also. Takes a few tries but is easy to use. Super adjustable by design and easy to wash if it gets dirty. It's not very breathable. I would sweat with it when the temps are above 70 deg F and Caleb would seem overheated - not OK. However, it was very nice to have some extra insulation during early spring walks.

I'll start by saying Caleb has always been a very light sleeper. Even at four months he has trouble sleeping if he's not swinging. I have friends whose babies would sleep 7-8 hours after the first month (curses!).
I bought the Graco Glider LX thinking that all swings are the same (they're not) and the type doesn't really matter (it does). The Glider worked great during the first few months. However after 3 months, Caleb started to outgrow it (25 inches, 13 lbm). We've been borrowing a friend's Fisher-Price Cradle N Swing for the past few weeks. The craddle portion is a little larger and it can swing a bit faster - very useful at 2am.
Also, if the store you buy it from offers a ~1 year return-for-any-reason warranty: buy it. I never thought my son would outgrow the swing so quickly. In hindsight, the $15 warranty fee is negligible to be able to return a swing that's too small to use.

Best of luck! Feel free to send any questions - I'll try to respond between naps.
@gasol I agree with you on the Baby Bjorn. My wife and I both love it and it's especially great for me as a guy. I carried my nephew around in one for a few hours at the park and he slept almost the entire time. It's definitely one of the more comfortable carriers that I've used. If anyone is looking to get one, I'd check online for more information and prices. Amazon is the cheapest I've found.
@gasol I use the Beco Gemini for my kids and it is just fantastic. Great weight distribution and my wife has even used it to breast feed while walking in public.
@pearlgate Find the tag in the middle. Place it on your belt buckle. Wrap each side around your back forming an "X" and lay over your shoulders. Pass each side inside the front section by your belt buckle. Wrap around your back and tie in a knot. Place baby in the front three folds of fabric (belt and suspenders). Practice, practice, practice...