Not waiting for first period after miscarriage with D&C? (X-post from CautiousBB)


New member
Last week we found out that our sweet baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. I had a D&C this past Friday. My doctor recommended we wait one cycle until trying again, but stressed the importance of "getting back on the horse" very shortly after my mc bc of the higher fertility rate. I have no intention of purposefully going against my docs recommendation of waiting until i have one period to start trying again, BUT, I just noticed that my "projected" post mc ovulation date falls squarely on my wedding anniversary weekend. (Which could be totally wrong bc of the mc anyway). I really don't want to use condoms unless I absolutely have to, but I also don't want to accidentally get pregnant before it's medically recommended as ok.

I'm hoping some of you here will share your stories about conceiving immediately after a D&C or medically managed miscarriage without a period in between. Of course, I will talk to my doctor about this as well when I see her next week. Thanks!
@lostchildinohio I'm so very sorry for your loss.

I never had a D&C with any of my losses but I think the advice to wait a cycle is pretty standard. It's my understanding that the lining is often too thin after a D&C to support a pregnancy so if a woman were to get pregnant immediately after a D&C, before a period, she'd be at an increased chance of another miscarriage. At least that's how my doctor explained it to me when she said it would probably be OK to start back TTC when I was ready since I hadn't had a D&C and then explained why it's different with a natural MC vs. a D&C.

A friend of mine was told to abstain from sex for awhile following her D&C to give everything time to heal. You may just want to verify with your doctor that sex would be OK.

You also may have more luck asking this on /r/TTCAfterLoss. While several ladies here are TTCAL everyone on TTCAL is TTCAL so you may get more ladies who are TTC post D&C. This isn't to say you shouldn't post here because you're more than welcome to post here! It's really just to say that if you don't get many helpful answers you could also try TTCAL and hopefully get more helpful answers.

I wish you all the best going forward! I wish I could be more helpful.
@fasthello Ahhh, thank you! I totally forgot about that sub! My doc said no sex for two weeks, the end of which also coincidentally coincides with our anniversary weekend... But I do see her for a checkup the day before that, so I will have a more definitive "go ahead" from her beforehand.